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Simple Plan


BirthdayDecember 6th
Location:Lesta, England
Fave colour:Black, red and purple.
Fave drink:Anything alcoholic.
Music:Anything Rock/Metal. \m/(>.<)\m/

Heyyy! Like the layout? I do, I think it's purdy, hehe. Well er, anyways.. if you don't like Simple Plan, then don't start moaning to me about them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I couldn't really give a fuck about yours. Lol, I'm only joking. My sites not really been updated for a while, and is still pretty basic. I'm hoping it will improve, though I'll probably give up soon.

I don't really have much time to work on my site but I'm trying. If anyone wants to help with HTML and shit like then then I'd be very greatful. Well, I'm out of stuff to type, feel free to look around, hehe.


Yoooo! I'm finally gettin my butt into gear and improving the site! You probably can't tell tho, lol. Anyways, so erm, the quiz results page is pretty much done, so is this one. The friends page is ok but only had random words about people, so I'll try to improve that some other time. I still need to do a page about me, though there's stuff about me on this one and link all the pages together. Other than that, I'm stuck for ideas. If you got any, you no wot to do. I was thinkin of moving my site to freewebs, I mean, it's just piss ass easy to use and I dont have to fuss around with html and uploading and stuff, it also has it'sown navigation bar anyway. So maybe I will, and then I'll use this for something else? Wait no, I love it here, but im crap. Oh, damn it I'm not sure. BLLLLAHHH! Nuff luv, cyaz!


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    My Mood: Numb, as always.
    Wearing: Black, the best colour.
    Eating: Nothing
    Listening to: The T.V, though I'm not paying much attention to it.
    Watching: Some random crap. Well, what do you expect? There's never anything good on after 1am. =(

    I love Simple Plan...........