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As I Sit Here

As I sit here in the web of darkness that surrounds me
And as my blue eyes well with tears
I think of a love so strong it can pull me;
away from the wicked grasps of my misery
I think of a love , a lonely beacon of light in the tunnels of sorrow

I search for it, but I am blind to love
My feelings are the only thing left of me.
I am lost and scared, and unable to ask for help despite how much i try...
An emptyness deep within me gets bigger with every twist of life

The emptyness is filled temporarily with distractions,
but when they leave, i am left feeling emptier inside than before
I can think of nothing but the sadness, and
no matter how much I will it away
It remains and I cannot fight it any longer

I wish to surrender and let the shackles encircle what is left of me,
But then i taste my salt filled tears and think about what life may have to offer me,
Is this the way i wish to leave this world?
I think of you and that gives me the power to succeed.

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