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Hello my name is Ariana Carter and I write. That's it, nothing fancy I just write. Novels, poetry, short stories, songs, anything. I write. This is where you come in. Hopefully, you read. Doesn't matter exactly what you read as long as you are willing to read what I write. This site is coming soon and I'm hoping that I can get some work up asap but the chances are you're running on a writer's time and that might not happen. But I will try very hard. In the mean time you can check out some of my stuff at My username is darkestayngel and if you click that link right there it will take you to some of my work until I can get it up on the site. All I ask for is your honest opinion. If you read then let me write. For you. I'll leave up a guestbook PLEASE write in it. Tell me what you think, what you want, what you need. You ask and I will deliver to the best of my abilities. In return I ask for your critique simply that. Help a girl get known. Thank you.

Ariana Carter

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