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Clumsy Devil

Clumsy is really not truely an Elf, he has only told his closest friends this story: As I told you earlier, Clumsy is not fully Elven, he is actually of an ancient race known as the Eklarķans, a species created by the crossbreeding of Demons and Sun elves. The Pureblood elves of course tried to hush it all up by isolating the people in several small communities in the mountains. After nearly 500 years of this isolation, the Eklarķans grew restless, they wished to break free of this hold that the higher Elves had so willingly put upon them. The king of the Elves, however, did not wish for this "abnormal" Race to get free and tell the world of the Elve's tyranny, so he sent a group of over 100 trolls into the mountains to kill off the race once and for all. Clumsy was only 30 human years old at the time, a small child to the Eklarķans, and was hiding in the cave that he and his friends used as a clubhouse, having run away the previous night. Then the trolls came. They left none alive, but by some twist of fate, Clumsy Survived, possibly because a troll that had been killed fell in front of the mouth of the cave, sealing it from veiw from the ouside. The trolls, thinking (if they could carry out such a complicated thought as to tie a boot) that they had slain all of the Eklarķans left. The sight that Clumsy saw when he finally made it from the cave was the most gruesome and horrifying image of his long life. His whole family, dead. His home destroyed... From that day forward he has vowed to make it back into the mountains and finally wreak his revenge on the Trolls that killed off his entire race in a week.

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