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You're a WRITER? Or just a READER?? Well, here I tried to make a small site of writings collection, so I hope you can enjoy this site as much as I do when designed it.


April 1, 2004

Erm.. Hello?? Anybody there?? Hahaha... Don't expect a single soul will read this by the way, just opened this site officially! So, if you visited this site before April 1st (date where I planned to launch this), so sorry 'coz there's not much you can see! Still errors everywhere... Need to be fix immediately... Please be patient and come back later!!! THANKS!! dui bu qi!!


 >> some awesome BLOGS of writing...

          >> have a writing creation of your own??

<------------------TELL ME!!

                >> check out my personal blog HERE...

>> an expert on HTML, Javascript, CSS, etc? HELP ME!!

© chreezy
