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Johanna's Home Page


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Who Am I?

My name is Johanna, but my friends call me Jo (unless your a friend/co-worker from Reeder's who refuses to call me Jo and tries to finagle my real name). I am about 5'10", auburn hair, brown eyes and a slim body. I graduated from Heritage Academy on my 18th birthday on June 1st. Since then, I've been spending my time at the Mt. Aetna Volunteer Fire Department where I am currently a probitionary member (or something like that lol), shopping, hanging out with friends, working at Reeder's Memorial (Nursing) Home, and many other things.

Shoutouts!!! (Yearbook Style)

Brandon- My beloved boyfriend of 6 months. My world would be empty without you. You have filled my life with so much happiness and completion. By now, you know me better than I think I know myself sometimes. Your number one priority in life is to make me happy, not to change me and that is more than I could ever ask for. Thank you for everything... even for the frustrating bickering and endless tickling that I so despise. I love you, Honey!
Chris- I've only known you for as long as I've known Brandon and you have become one of my most treasured of friends. I can always count on you to make me laugh, to be there for me when I need someone to be, to lend me a shoulder to cry on, to be a listening ear, to talk to, and to give me advice when I need that too. I love spending time with you even if it involves almost hitting an oversized load truck. Your so fun to be around and I never want to lose you. Thank for you all the memories and always being there for me. I love you!
Steph- Girl! I wil never forget all the great times we've had together in the past 3 years! I guess it's true what they say about two people who start fighting and hating each other when they first meet... how they turn out to be best friends. (I know that's not always the case, but it defintatly proved true with us.) School has ended, but we still have a year of college together. You are probably the only girl I can tell everything to and not be judged or ridiculed by anything I might admit to. You have always been on my side regardless of any hatred that might have come your way for it. I know I can count on you to be that listening ear when I need to explode with useless ramblings and problems. Your also the girl I run to, and pull with me, when I want to be "rebelliously happy" and do crazy things with. Who else would I link with to go to lunch everyday with? Who else would I run (lierally) around in the King of Prussia Mall with just to try and cover all the stores we want to shop in?! I love you girl! Never forget your rake and hoe, trampolines, chocolate, cow utters, staying up all night trying to get a video camera to work to see tapes we weren't supposed to watch, and all the many memories we have.
Jeanine- I will never forget the concerts we've gone to together, "shopping" at G & G, hotel room dancing, old Wednesday night phone calls for no reason, and our deep conversations about relationships and other what- nots. We've been great friends for 9 years now and I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything. Sister, we've gone through so much... grown up so much together. Thank you for everything. I'm gonna miss you so much when you go off to college this fall, but one thing is for sure, I will never forget you and I will try to call you very often! I love you, girl! *smiles*
Heidi- My younga sista, Pego, my real cousin, lol. I love you so much. You are always there for me... especially when it involves guy talks and dipping icecream in chocolate and caramal syrup. We truely are too much a like... sometimes. I have never met anyone with almost TOO MUCH love for people, lol, but it's a good thing... sometimes. Hehe. Yeah, you will never remember how to get to my school, lol, but I'm glad you managed to somehow to go to a basketball game and my graduation. Don't lose my long note from a couple months ago! I still hold true to everything I said! <3 ya chica!
Debbie- My big sister! I have so much love for you, girl. Who else would I walk around the mall with forever and share a combo with at Arby's after school. Thanks for the endless advice and for being the one I can count on to talk to about some very important things... you know what I mean. Your the funnest person to buy "certain somethings" at Victoria Secret and Fashion Bug with and then hang them on the rear view mirrors of the Probe. I'll never forget our many laughs and tears.
Jesse- Oh my! Where could I possibly begin? How can I forget all the memories we have had together... the many pizza hut suppers, watching Corky Ramano, eating at Chick-fil-A, the ice rink, and of course the Waynesboro Whiplash. ("It's okay!") Hehe, you have definatly been my guardian angel over the years. I don't know what I will do without you. If you remember nothing else, lol, "be good!" =)
Kenton- My brotha! Where's the paper?! I might have to call you while your at Boot Camp for some while I'm at college, lol, 'cause you know me. Without you, Kentonia, class time would not have been as fun. I loved laughing with you and joking around with you for 9 years. Thank you for the ride to Walmart and for letting me and Steph borrow your video camera, lol. That was a crazy night. Sorry for watching the X rated tapes of yours lol, just be glad you weren't in there! I'll never forget all the fun times. Good luck in the Marines!
Jonathan- Your ginger peachy personality has been a light on those gloomy school days. Thank you for all the laughs and fun over the past two years. And yes, I still hate you for that online survey scandal and for yelling at me sometimes for stuff you dont understand about me. *smiles* But oh well, I forgive and forget... until the next time you decide to piss me off. Your a cool guy, Buck, never grow up and never stop sharing the gossip info! :p

more will be added later

Website last modified: June 10, 2003
