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Battle store
More weapons and armour will be added when i can think of new ones if you wanna create a weapon tell me and i will tell you how much it will cost

Battle shop info

Weapons rating:for every weapon there is Two rating's one for the power and one for the acuracy of the weapon this is how a weapon will look on your zoids stats Hyper cannon(8,10)
the first number(100, ) is the power rating (how much damage it does) 10 is the best 1 is the weakest the lower the power rating the more times the weapon needs to hit before knocking your oponents zoids out of action
The second( ,10) is the acuracy rating
(how much chance there is of the weapon hitting its mark) 1 is the lowest witch means it wont hit very often 10 is the best witch hardley ever misses

If there is only one rating like the missle bays it means you have to buy something else to put in the weapon like missle because there are different types of missles and if there is any ratings over the top it means they will ever never miss or instantly take out the oponents zoid
(max fireing five times per battle)
ArmourSpecial Weapons
(max fireing of 1 time per battle)
System upgrades
Gattling Gun (2,8):$1,000
blast cannon (5,5):$2,500
Quick blaster(1,10):$1,000
3 shot blaster(3,7):$1,000
6 Shot missle bay( ,6):$2,500
12 shot missle bay(,9):$4,000
Tank rifle(8,7):$1,500
Twin cannon(8,5):$1,000
Particle cannon(4,8):$750
Light armour:$500(+50 defence)
Medium armour:$1,000(+100 defence)
Heavey Armour:$2,000(+250 defence)
Chrome Armour(+400 defence):$3,500
Silver armour(+500 defence):$4,000
Gold armour(+750 defence):$5,000
Titanium Armour (+1,000 defence):$7,000
Hyper cannon(8,10):$5,000
Energy disrupter(10,9):$5,500
Rail gun(15,10):$10,000
Strike laser claw(15,12):$7,500
Wing Cutter(12,8):$5,000
Disintigration missiles(20,15): 20,000(includes 6 missles)
Laser net(2,15):$4,000
Ion cannon(20,5)Leaves oponents zoid out of action for a week:$15,000
Speed chip(+250 speed):$750
Zoid gear(needed to run your zoid):$500
Upgrade chip #1:$3,000 (+750 to all zoids stats)
Upgrade chip #2:$5,000(+2,000 to all zoids stats)
Upgrade chip #3:$10,000(+8,000 to all zoids stats)
Ai Upgrade(gives the zoid more intelligance to dodge attacks on it's own, ect.): $10,000
Standard missles:$100 each(4,)
Heat seeking missles:$500 each(7,10)
Destruction Missles:$2,000 each(13,10)
Thrusters(+1,000 speed and agility)
:$3,000 each max of 3
Lock on sight(+ 2,500 attack):$5,000

Weapon Info
This is what each weapon does and looks like
Gattling gun = Mounted on top of small zoids on the sides of large zoids fires 1,000 rounds a minute very good gun for use on fast zoids max of one per zoid

Blast cannon = Reliable one shot shooter fires a small pulse of energy at oponents zoid's good reliable weapon max of one per zoid

Quick Blaster = same as blast cannon but alot faster and weaker very good for taking down fast zoids max of two per zoid

3 Shot blaster = Same as blast cannon but has 3 shots instead of one more acurate than blast cannon max of 2 per zoid

Missle bays = Missle bays are what hold and fire your missles one large zoids you can have up to 2 missle bays but only one on small zoids you can buy either heat seaking missles standard missles thermal missles witch burn anything close to the explosion too see there prices see the systems upgrade section above

Tank rifle = very strong gun same as the ones on army tanks max of three per zoid

Hyper Cannon = Very poerfull blast shot from a mounted cannon on top of zoid fires bright blue beam at oponents zoid takes out the strongest of zoids. max of one per zoid

Energy Disrupter = fires a pulse of energy at other zoid and completely shuts down all of the other zoids systems cause alot of systems damage max of one per zoid

Rail gun = fires an invisible beam witch cuts through anything destroy what ever it touches max of one per zoid

Laser strike claw = claws one zoids feet turns into a laser cutting thing and cuts through anything very good weapon

Wing cutter =Same as strike laser claw but can only be used on flying zoids

Twin cannon =Double powerfull gun

Artliary =Mounted gun good for shooting down flying zoids