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Battle Arena's

This is a page where you come to select your battle arena, for when you have a battle(you must select your battle type as well which is on the battle info page). After selecting that choose one of the below battle arena's.

You can also use these arena's for training so that you can get used to them for battle.

A sand rocky place with a few palm tree's and no human inhabitance.

Abandoned City
Big city with no people, smashed down building, very dark city and caved in sewers.

Large Forest
Very, very big forest with dense bush and heaps and heaps of trre's, very good for little zoids to battle in.

Small Forest
Many cliffs and a few tree's. This is the ideal open plan battle(except for desert).

Icy Mountains
Very slippery(all zoids speed and agility above 900 is cut back to 900), there is a good side to battling there, you get 200 more exp for the whole battle. When you are an upgraded zoid the exp decreasing is taken away, so you have just the same stats. Because you have more controll over your zoid.

Deep Sewers
There is a 10 meter high water level in these sewers so is only suitable for underwater zoids.

This is very slippery in some spots so acuracy is decreased and there is shallow water and many tree's all around the place.

The Sea
It says what it says, it is just the sea, for under water zoids.

Massive Castle
This is a very high castle with lots of stories(if both zoids go to the top level, you can try to push each other off the side for an instant win). There are many sword and axes and old weapons that you can pick up for fighting with, but you must drop them at the end of the round.

Tournament Arena
This is a plain, massive concrete arena that has no downsides or upsides, apart from can only be used for tournaments.

If you have any other arena's that you would like too add to this page then email the Assistant Director