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Welcome to the clan of Carabine

Welcome to the home of Carabine. I'm LeLongueCarabine, and basically, I hate most everyone on the planet. While everyone goes on with their boring lives I just know that I'm so much better than them. That's right, I am superior to everyone and it's only fair that I should be emperor of the entire planet. However, people don't seem to agree with this plan, so I started my own clan's web page instead. What clan is that you ask? It is the Deleware clan. As of now there are 6 members: one for each of my spilt personalities. My goal is basically to wreak havoc on internet gaming across the world. Having gotten tired of dominating the shazbot out of people like my insignificant friend Sawbones (who has a VERY BIG NON-STRAIT OBSESSION WITH ERIC BANA)in games such as Tribes 2, Counter-strike, Day of Defeat, and of course Battlefield 1942, I am moving on to something new. On this insane crusade I will perform stunts like the Triple X, the 007, and of course my personal favorite: driving jeeps into planes taking off. You see, these are the sort of genius creations that make me so much better than you. if you'd like to join Deleware, than simply email at the address which you'll notice is not provided. I'll finish with a famous quote by the renowned poet Rudyard Kipling, "FINISH MEE!!!!" -LeLongueCarabine


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