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Confessions of an English Opium eater

All of us are travelers lost,
our tickets arranged at a cost
unknown but beyond our means.
This odd itinerary of scenes
--enigmatic, strange, unreal--
leaves us unsure how to feel.
No postmortem journey is rife
with more mystery than life.

-The Book of Counted Sorrows

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Tower of Babel
(Or for those of us with no eloquence in our vocabulary, below are the links)

a journey through a senseless, ultra-violent opium eater's mind (my journal)
Mummification, Not just a late night indulgance anymore.. Ginger's page
poking our congressmen with a stick...Caeli's page
Vouyerism at it's best..or a reasonable facsimilie thereof..
Gonads and Strife


I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had....