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About Me

Name: Trevor D. Snook

Birth: June 27, 1980

Marital Status: Divorced

Number of kids: 3

Ages of kids: 5,3,1

Here is a picture of me. As stated above I am divorced, we found that we needed to go our seperate ways. About me, I am a little over 6 foot tall and just over 175 in weight. I have 3 very beautiful daughters whom I do love extremly dearly. I am currently looking for a woman who can be open, fun, friendly, honest, FAITHFUL and supportive, just to name a few. I am probally describing a woman whom does not exist, but I am seaching for her,

Description of ideal woman: Between five foot five to six foot tall, 95 to 140lbs (depending on height), NO BLACK HAIR!, blonde, brunette, red, is cool with me.

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