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This is just a random little area for my friends. I mean where would I be without them, so of course I'm going to do a little part just for them. It isn't much, but I'm sure you all know I care a lot? right? *falls over* *oozes with cheesy-ness* X_X

Hermione- Wow, um we've known eachother for 3 years almost 4. You're such a great person, you're probably one of the best friends I have. You've helped me with a lot of stupid stuff. I'm very happy for you and Tom, I just think that its all spiffy and good luck to your relationship with him! ^^;

Yumei-Weeee!We're special X_X; *cough* anyway, I'm glad that we met because you are about one of the coolest people I know,honestly you are @_@ Your dolls are so good too. We also have some interesting conversations and for some reason theres a conspiracy going on with Dir en Grey songs,theres been too many times that we've been listening to the same DeG songs at the same time *falls over* its starting to scare me, stop! x_x;

Becka-You'll probably never get to read this, but I just wanted to say thankyou for everything. You've helped me a lot this year with all the crap at school and you just don't know how much I appreciate you listening to me complain X_X; You also give great advice and are always helping people, sometimes I wish I could be as nice as you *falls over* and don't forget, pillsbury dough boy! ^-~ *inside joke*

Rachel- DIE SAKAKI!DIE!DIE! Your messing with poor Rachels head and starting to rub off onto her friends *pauses* ok, sorry =-=; another inside joke, but really Rachel, you scare me sometimes, well, all the time X_X You also are good at html, damn you T_T; *cough* ahem, so as I was saying,your a great friend and thanks again for helping me work out the problems with this site.weee! ^^

Miz- eeee! Miz-chan!My Mana crazy friend ^^; You're great to talk to about random things and when I'm feeling like crap, you always make me feel better @___@ *feels like crap a lot* Anyway, I really wish you didn't delete your site and journal, but thats what you wanted to do, so I can't say anything but that I wish you didn't X_X; oh well ^^;; weee!

April-GYM BUDDIE!!!!!!! WEEEEE! erm..yea X_X Really though, you're probably one of my greatest friends, we've known eachother forever @_@;; We have some scary conversations during gym class as well. You're so smart fair XP

Becky- Ahhhhh! Another book worm like April!*hides* Becky your so smart and can be really strange sometimes o_o; you have like two sides,in school you're all quiet and then outside your a mad person X_X *runs around* just like me, well...ok, i'm mad all the time >>;; But uh, weee! I've also known you for a while too, aren't you lucky? ^^;; once again thankyou for everything! ^^

Brandie- hihi!!!!!!!! ^_____^ Another goofy person like me. I mean really goofy. Brandie, your the only one who laughs at almost anything like me xx;. Even the stupidest stuff in the world and we find something humerous about it. Your the only one I can be totally crazy with and not have you think I'm weird xx;;; But uh, you and me have some funny conversations on the comp and have a lot of fun hanging out together. Especially at the mall. Lemme see, me and you have been friends for um *tries to think* I can't remember exactly, but I know for atleast 3,4 this year. Anyway. You've helped me a lot and made me laugh when I'm feeling really bad.Thankies so much for everything ^_^

Manya-erm..I'm so glad we're friends again X_X All that arguing was starting to get old >>; Anyway, we also can have some scary conversations, TRIGGER HAPPY! *dies* another inside joke that I don't intend on explaining >>;Your also good at doll making,weee anyway, thankies for everything ^^

Mary- You probably will never read this because you don't have a comp, but I'm still going to write this because your one of my friends too ^^ Mary, what to say about you ^^; Your special( i mean that in a good way ^-^;; ) Your different and aren't afraid to speak your mind, you don't take any crap and are there for your friends as well. You've also helped me get through things and all the things in between and I hope we stay friends for a while ^^

These aren't all of my friends but some of my close friends and I hope I stay friends with all of them,because they mean so much to me. I'd do almost anything for them. I just don't know what I'd do without them. All of the laughs,cries , and the stuff in between has been crazy and I hope I continue on having them as my friends.^_^ *GUSHES with cheesey-ness*X_X