Welcome to Slytherin Supporter!

Well, well, well, what do we have here? The following is a collection of Buttons to decorate your website - for the hardcore Slytherin fan out there. These are all for free so use to your will but it would be nice to send an owl to Annie Hex, and say hello because she went to the trouble of making them.

Also, wave your wands over the buttons to read some witty ("...or so she thinks, witty indeed!" - SS) coments about the buttons and etc! SO! To put one of these lovelies up onto your site, just right click on an image and choose SAVE - then upload the image to your website making sure to LINK IT BACK to this site = https://www.angelfire.com/rebellion/slytherin/

Alternativly - you can copy the following HTML to paste onto your site (remeber to remove the " - - " symbols before you do so!)

<-- a herf="https://www.angelfire.com/rebellion/slytherin">
<-- img src="https://www.angelfire.com/rebellion/slytherin/IMAGE TAG HERE.jpg" border=0 -->
<-- /a>

This little number is for all those Quidditch players out there or mad Quidditch enthusist! All the girls or boys will be giving your "Slytherin Pride" the attention you want *Wink* The blurry green background and gothic font type will make your opponents -greeeen- with envy!

Crawl into my dorm and I'll prove it to ya!

Tag= doitbetter.jpg

Isn't he just? A flamy background is a nice touch cause' our fav' potions' master is just that awwwwwooooohhh! Show how much you love your Master with this button. It goes with everything kids remember that!

Who's your daddy? Yeeha who's your daddy?

Tag= hottie.jpg

Inspired by a Marilyn Manson T-shirt you too can be a smart ass in the only way a Slytherin can. Pure and absoulte snottiness! Aint' Nuttin but a Slytherin Thing! It's one for those smooth-as player Slyhterins and Seekers. Guarneteed to get that certain dark haired, black clad potion's teacher into your roles a.s.a.p!

Aint' Nuttin but a SLYHERIN thaang!

Tag= thing.jpg

This one's for the ladies! Nothing can come across you and your House. You live and breathe Slytherin, your boyfriends' a Slytherin (Is his name by any change Sevie?), your favorite bra is green and black and nothing can come between you and your Hardcore Slytherin Girl button!

Hot Slytherin Chick

Tag= hardcore.jpg

Ah were would we be without the boys! Draco wears this one as a lucky charm both on the Quidditch field and on the field *Wink* These boys have additude and sex oozing out of every pore and if he's wearing this - you'd know for sure!

*sings racously out of tune* 'Boys... get nasty!'

Tag= boy.jpg

Are you severly sexy? Yes, yes you are, these are from my "Too-square-to-care" range that are nifty for avitars and AOL icons!

I'll never see heaven 'cause it must be a sin to look this sexy!

Tag= sev.jpg

Another lovely addition in the ''Too-Square" collection!

What's cooking good looking? *wink*

Tag= fame.jpg

Do you love Alan? I do! I've scowered the darkest nook and crany of the video shop for Alan's movies on DVD! More "Too-Square-to-care" range in a nice navy blue and orange!

I - Love - Al - an... I - Love Alan! *to the tune of 'I love candy!'*

Tag= lovealan.jpg

So you love Alan who? Alan (Sexybum) Rickman that's who! This is one of the best in the "Too-square" collection!

Alan is sexy, he's hot, he's everything your not!

Tag= ilove.jpg

Yeah, I'm a Rickmaniac too!

Hi, my name is Annie and I'm an Alanholic *HI ANNIE!*

Tag= rickmania.jpg

Ooh! He's giving Harry one of *those* looks, I wish he'd throw one my way... more "Too Square to care" my first photo button! Great for avitars and AOL!

There's something about... the boy...

Tag= snapedot.jpg

Newer still! These are the part of the 'Longitude' series! These can double as banners if you wish to link this site! I like this one because of the lovely Slyhterin snake stained glass windows in the background. Definatly one of my fav Snape moments next to the "Ensanre the senses" dialouge is the DUEL SCENE!

Whoop some Griffin-whore ass Draco! Or you'r can kiss passing Potions goodbye!

Tag= long1.jpg

Number two in my Longitude series, created for the Fanfiction writers out there. (Special mention to the Slashers out there!) Severus encompasses the image of an anti-hero, he's doing the right thing (being a double agent) but it dosesn't mean he has to be nice about it! This is one of my best work! The mini poem there is an original by me! by the way!


Tag= long2.jpg

Wait! There were taken from another Snape/Harry Potter appreication site. This is my review on these buttons which belong to their respecitve owners, I mearly am giving them my two cents.

BRILLIANCE. Is the only way to describe this one. I was laughing my ass off when I saw this one, the martini glass is a great touch!, an excelent little button!

This one has all the attitude you'd expect from Slyhterin! It's in your face and totally bitchy - and totally something to live by. People might put you down for being a Slytherin but you stick your nose in the air cause you know being Slytherin means you're superior!

Another excellent piece of .gif. It blows my mind - cause it's true!

This one sums me up in a nutshell, click on it and find your personality! I also really like their "I'm just 'you-know-who' at heart" button, that's legenadary!

This one comes with a 'Snape is my Slave' counterpart - but this one is cuter! Wicked!

This is a Chibi! Isn't it adoreable? Hmmm from the scowl it's giving I'm sure he didn't appreciate me calling him adoreable did he? (Certainly not! -SS)

Completley off topic this is a chibi of Alan Rickman's character from the View Askew film DOGMA, he plays the Seraphin Angel Metatron - aka Impeding voice of GOD! Isn't he sexy? Man he has some great lines in this movie I recomend you rent it - unless you're Catholic, then you'd hate this movie. Alanis Morisset plays 'God' and Jay and Silent Bob of Clerks fame are in it too!


Send me an owl *hoot hoot!*My other lovers - Well they don't call me Slut-terin Girl for nothing now!
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