Music Is God of the Arts

7/24- Woah i think i 4got about this thing srry 2 all of you that actually like this site. i'm gettin more stuff now and will have more stuff 2 come. in the mean time keep rockin out. ------------------------------------------------- 3/30- Creed Bio and Lyrics are up now. I'm still needing ideas if anyone could e-mail me bands and their sites ii would appreciate it. ------------------------------------------------ 3/28- I have 2 new bios and lyrics. Weezer and Jimmy Eat World are here. I will be adding more places 2 go but for now enjoy. ------------------------------------------------- 3/27- I have started posting lyrics and bios. I have lyrics and bio for Linkin Park one of the best bands in the history of rock. So enjoy. ------------------------------------------------- 3/26- Welcome! Hello! Bonjour! Wutever u say. You found me. I'm AJ and I love ROCK! here you will find lyrics and bios on bands. I will update you on upcoming releases and news about alt. rock, hard rock, and punk rock. So enjoy!!!

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