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Revolt Now!

Hey, I'm Conor and this is my page. In this time of international turmoil we must be united against war! Congress recently voted to pass Bush's war resolution. You can ceck out the news story on here. Keep fighting! Please give me feedback on this page. You can sign my guestbook at the bottom or email me at

Uhh...yeah, here's something really funny you should read. It doen't have anything to do with the other content on this site but check it out anyway you'll enjoy it. Click here!


Essay #1: F*ck the World
Essay #2: Revolt Now!
Essay #3: Ramblings


Anti-Flag Homepage
Refuse and Resist homepage
Angry; Noone Cares
Refuse and Resist Homepage
Not in Our Name
Why War?
If you would like to trade links please email me at


News Archives
Congress authorizes force on Iraq.
North Korea refuses to abandon nuclear program.
The rights of "Enemy Combatants" (editorial)

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