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A sneak preview of...

(Part One)

Written by: mutantaisha

I would like to dedicate this series to my wonderful guild:
The United Mutants of Neopia
& especially to sytrayz, paladin70 & garnetwyvern
Love you guys!

"My mutants," Dr. Frank Sloth cooed, "my lovely, lovely minions of evil. Come to me. Tonight, we must meet. We shall gather together in a Mutant Convention! You are all welcome to feast & discuss what will become of the world you know. Your Neopia, as you must feel, is not as it should be. We must improve our homes & better the environment." Dr. Sloth closed his eyes, opened them up again, & smiled. To his right was bricha286359, a Mutant Krawk. He, literally, was Sloth's right-hand man. To his left was a mutant of the Techo species, Hedgy26. Dr. Sloth knew how to spark Hedgy, how to motivate him. Mention Hedgy's children: HedgysNextGeneration, HedgysLegacy, & machelleneo. Dr. Sloth turned to Hedgy & spoke,

"You do want your children to have a better life than you did, don't you, Hedgy? You don't want your children to feel unloved; to be abandoned as you were, do you? You want them accepted, happy, & safe." Dr. Sloth was somewhat of a manipulator, but in reality, that isn't all ways a bad thing. Manipulation can be used for good & evil.

"Of course, sir. I would do anything in my power to assist you. You have helped me become strong. You have made me what I am today. You—" Dr. Sloth held up his hand.

"That is quite enough, Hedgy. Thank you." Hedgy blushed but remained dignified. Bricha took a deep breath & waited to be addressed.

"And you, Bricha, you realize that my intentions are only to help make your lives more tolerable? I want to better Neopian society."

"Yes, Dr. Sloth! I am fully understanding & ready to get out there & FIGHT & CONQUER THEM ALL, sir! I am a level 37 NeoPet & I am ready & willing!" Bricha was a little Battledome-happy & eager to fight any given time.

"Bricha, your obnoxious attitude can be a little suffocating, but it is Mutants like you who will lead us. I need you to help me—"

"And I will, sir!" Dr. Sloth's eyes suddenly shone with fiery anger.

"But you will NEVER interrupt me, is that CLEAR?" Bricha's stature shrunk.

"...Yes, sir..."

"I am understood." Sloth slapped his hands together. "How extraordinary. We have a long night tonight. You both should rest. And Hedgy...?"


"See yourself to that silly Water Faerie or whatnot & heal yourself. That cast looks ridiculous. I will not be seen with someone injured. It makes us look weak. Clean up & take some time to yourself. We must prepare for the convention tonight. See me at 5:00 pm NST. SHARP." Dr. Sloth added. Hedgy & Bricha stood there for a moment. "Go!" Sloth ordered, & they were off.

This is a small preview of the series I'm starting for the Neopia Times, The Mutant Rebellion. I trust you all to NOT steal my work. If you do, I will have you reported quicker than you can right-hand click. Feel free to NeoMail me, e-mail me, or post on the guild board with comments, questions or reviews. Thank you!

UPDATED! I have now decided to let my secret out. Part one is done, finally, after 2 years! Click here to read Part One, and feel free to give feedback! :)