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~*Ms. Coopa's Homepage Help Page*~

Hi ya'all,

I am really going to try and make this a nicer page today. I am WAY sick of this layout. So hopefully if you are looking at it you will be looking at a new and improved layout. Well I am off to work....



I am sure a lot of you are totaly stuck right where you are and dont know a thing about making a homepage. Well I am going to try and teach you my way. Which is a very simple way! hehe...I guess the more you use HTMl the harder it gets but then again it gets easier after time and trials of using HTML and all. It gets really easy. It is all pretty much the same. Html is different codes that you put in a box on your homepage. It should be like your middle section on Expage and the largest box on your Basic Editor Standard for Angelfire. If you choose Expage you are pretty lazy and wont have very much fun creating your new homepage. Angelfire is my personal favorite and is what i used to make this page. I would suggest you use Angelfire. It will make things way easier and a lot better for you. Expage you really cant upload images such as cool backgrounds and animations and stuff on cause it is so slow and stuff. Angelfire is really cool. It is very organized and easy to use. Even for a beginner. So once you chose what you would like to use go to the links on the very bottom of the page and it will give you step-by-step instructions, by none other than me. I hope I can help you! :)

HTML help! IF you are still confused afer reading all of my pages go here. This is a great page!

View My Slambook! | Sign My Slambook!

View My AdLib Book!

HTML help and Getting started on your page pages

My baic HTML help Page! *NEW!!!*
Angelfire help! *NEW!!!*
My collection of Graphics and Animations *BRAND NEW!*
My Doll Collection Page *BRAND SPANKIN NEW*
