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Welcome to Kanoko's Mousehouse!!!

Hi! Welcome to the House of Mouse, or more simply, Mousehouse! This is the home of me, Kanoko the Mouse! ^_^ Of course, I'm not REALLY a mouse. It's pretty obvious my nickname is Mouse, and if you don't understand this by now, you're stupid. Thank you. Anyway, You'll find fanfics, fanart, a Xelloss Shrine, links and an all-new addition- A Dollhouse! Yes, I too have joined the dolling craze. Hopefully I might win an award or six. Heh. Feel free to submit stuff, just no nudity. I won't post it, so don't even waste my time. Don't spam or flame me either. That is just wrong and you pagan flamers and spammers out there know it. My next project is to get an awards section up, and if you're all good, a rambling section too! Have fun, and look around! Buh-bye!

Hm... Where to go first?

Xelloss Shrine
