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The Wolf Roleplaying Guide!

Welcome to the Wolf RPing Guide! This guide will hopefully take you through the steps of Role Playing a wolf, from creating your character to ways of killing it... *gulp*. I've been roleplaying for about a year and a half, though Pack members of the Mystic Lake might find that hard to believe! Anyway. This is the index page, and all the pages will have links provided to them here. OK! Lets get started!

First of all, what IS Role Playing, or RPing? Well, basicly you create a character, give it looks, a gender, and age, a personality, and anything else it needs, relating to what RP it's going for. From there, it's just like making a story, you act your character and make it speak, and other peoples characters can come and act with yours, too. When you are acting your charater it's known as 'In Character', or 'IC', and when you are speaking as YOU it's called 'Out Of Character', or 'OOC'.
There's three types of RPing, Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced.
Basic uses normal words and simple sentances, and is what most beginners start at. Words you might use in Basic RPing: Head, feet, legs, nose, eyes. Also, most Basic characters use simple words like:
"Hello, my name is Moonray. Who are you?"
Intermediate uses some normal, and some advanced words, and longer more complex actions and speech. I use this style still, because I think it's the best one. Words you might use: Cranium (head), muzzle/maw, pools/orbs (eyes), pads (feet). I tend to mix these, as my sites are usually mixed, with beginners, intermediates and advanced RPers. An example for ation here is:
~Frost lowered her muzzle to the large male standing in front of her, awed by his size and strength. Her orbs shone, though they avoided contact with the feirce orbs of the other.~
An example of speech (following the action) is:
"'Lo, m'Lord, sorry if'n I have disturbed thee. I was simply wandering 'pon the Earth, before finding here. Pray, sir, do not turn me out again, back into the deathly cold bite of the Winter, my mate already has perished there."
Advanced RPing uses all complex words, and sometimes up to seven pharagraphs a post! In the examples, I'll only do three. Anyway, words you might use are: Dial/crania (head) pools (eyes), form (body), she/the femme (her), he/the mascu (him), plume (tail). An example of advanced actions is:
~Mascu with golden orbs looked 'pon the terra, dial low and catious, plume swishing. The pools o' he gazed 'pon the femme 'fore him, mind astounded at the beauty of she.
Small fly flew 'cross visiuality o' he, and with a flow of his paw, the mascu chased it away from they. Dial once more focused 'pon the femme, as thoughts flicked 'cross the mind o' he.
Thoughts decided, the mascu slipped from pad to pad, throwing weight 'bout the frame o' he, as pools gazed steadily into those of the femme. Opening great jaws, fangs glinting ice-white in the light o' the sun, he addressed she most courtiously.~

Speech, following that text, might be:
"Greeting t' ye, O femme who shines like the Moonlight. What is thy reason for being here 'pon this humble terra o' mine, and what are ye dubbed t' those lucky few close to ye?"

So! Lets get going, and create your wolf!

Other Pages:

Step 1: Creating Your Wolf!
Step 2: Introducing Your Wolf to Their New Pack!
Step 3: Finding a Mate!
Step 4: Fights!
The Mystic Lake Wolf pack Site!
