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the art of war.
a divine instrument of pain.
its true name?
The epic battle has come to a close. The champion and the challenger put on one hell of a fight, stunning the world and etching its events into the history books for future generations to view. Not only was this bout stunning, but also the one that was its former, the Art of War battle royale. A massive pool of talent, sixteen wrestlers, and a whole gargantuan amount of heart made this match the steal for the night.

And a new challenger rose up from the ashes, proving herself more than worthy of competing with the champion. The old challenger cast down, beaten, but not out; the new challenger stealing his spot to get her chance at what everyone who's anyone wants.

And the road to One King begins, starting this week. Another huge clash, consisting of the six best wrestlers in the entire federation going head to head in a six-man elimination tag team match.

In one corner...

A man whose blood boils with fury and hatred. Rival of the champion for many long years. It used to be the other way around, where this man was on top of the federation, looking down on the current champion. He bragged and promised that he would never lose, and although he did not, he left, shameful, with all hope lost. He was never to return until this point.

The second fighter, one who the champion has rivaled with for a long time. A cheater and a thief, taking the champion's rightful possession and calling it his own. He was once as great, but now he is less, unable as of yet to reclaim his mighty throne that he once sat upon. Bitter and twisted, he continues to fight through the roadblocks that are put in front of him.

And the third, the new challenger, the pheonix from the ashes, it would seem. From nowhere she appears, reigning supremacy and simply taking over. Many look down upon her gender and state that she should not be fighting with males, but it is obvious that she is able to do so, considering her great victory. There is no doubt in the champion's mind that this woman is a threat to his status, but the question is, how much?

And in the other corner...

A past challenger who has changed his ways takes a spot in this group of allies. A very noble fighter in the huge rumble last week, he hung on to the very bitter end. He has proven himself worthy of playing with the greats time and time again and deserves nothing better than another shot. But alas it is not him this time that will take the gold. Nonetheless, he will fight alongside the champion this time around.

The next. The former challenger, beaten and bruised. But he sides with the champion in an attempt to regain some of the pride that he lost. There is no doubt that he is a great wrestler, or else he would not be where he is now. Nothing will stop him as he quests once again for the title he deserves another shot at.

And leading this team is The Champion. This man is on top of the world, knocking down all competitors that come his way. Seemingly invicible he is, having held onto his precious championship for a great time, longer than any other. He continues to show the world what he is capable of, rising to the occasion when it is truly needed and destroying anything in his path to keep his title in his posession.

But this battle is merely a miniscule part of the war. The war began a long time ago, and will not end for an even greater span of time. For the war is ever changing, certain warriors gaining the upper hand and times and others falling to the ground in defeat. Many champions and leaders will be crowned on this battlefeild reminiscent of a fiery hell, and many poor losers and outcasts will be torn apart in their feeble attempts.

The road is long and winding, and it never truly stops. The war may have ended, but the memory will last forever, and the sparks from the dying fire will set aflame a new dispute someplace else. But one does not get anywhere by focusing solely on the future, for the future is unreachable by human hands until it arrives. For then it is the present, and it is only then that it should be given full attention.

At any given time in any war there can only be One King. One entity, a single person, a group, or otherwise. One King that will set the standard, raise the bar, and show every single person involved that this is the right way to do it, whether they like it or not. Right now, obviously, this One King is your Champion.

One does not become the One King by failure. Only by amazing victory and conquest will one become the greatest. Although failure teaches valuable lessons, to any smart fighter, victory means more. For one can pinpoint exactly what the did right in victory, and use and exploit it until they are exact and acute in their methods, and it is this way that the One King acheives what he does.

But what if the King is dethroned?

And what if The King is no longer indeed a King?

What if there it becomes One Queen?

Then we are all in for one hell of a ride, that's for sure.