Junior Achievement Program

This is a program I heard about in my Entrepreneurship 12 class which once I did I asked where do I sign up and when’s the first meeting....

Once there (October 8th) I was sure this is this is the way I want to spend my Tuesday nights.

The major reason I joined was for the job experience which right now I'm having big problems with getting a job so this will help me in the long run.

Also in my class it gives you alot of information on Entrepreneurs and reasons why they do the things they do and it also gives you hands on experience with being a entrepreneur.

In this program I can all ready see that this is going to give me alot more skills then working on my own. It will teach me team work skills and alot more.

The first week was elections for different positions in the company. I when for production first and my “buddy” Matt took that away, so I found my place in technology which all I know is that I have to build a website for our company!!!