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What breed of horse are you?

Yes, I know it's the question you've all been wondering. You've missed sleep over it. And now, you'll finally have the answer.

1. What is your body type?
I am absolutely perfect. Look at my long fingernails and beautiful manicure. My flowing hair. I am the epitomy of beauty
You did NOT just ask that.
Muscular, athletic, possibly chunky..
Lean, chisled, athletic, beautiful.
I'm not fat, I'm big boned. Do you want to be my friend?

2. You hear a loud noise. What do you do?
I'll kick it's ass!
Like, tell my agent I'm not taking calls.
Don't worry, everything is under contol now that I'm around.
I'll just hide behind this flagpole until I know it's safe. Does it want to be my friend?

3. Exercise...
Fun! I love running, playing, anything! The more the merrier!
Only if it includes vast tangible rewards.
I'm really strong but I prefer to do activities like sleeping, cuddling, etc.
Work? Pshaw. I might break a nail.
Don't even think about it. Hell no. Ask me again and I'll kick your ass.

4. Your ideal date includes...
I don't date much.. but I like to snuggle.
Running reaaaaallllllly fast. Oh! Or eating a lot. No no, driving cars. Oh, you pick. But it's gotta be something fun.
There better be flowers, and if he doesn't have money I swear my hair will fall out and I'll need a fake tail.
What ever. I'm not going. If he tries anything, he's DEAD.
Classic. Traditional. Roses, candles, the works.

5. Your favorite food is..
Salads, light on the dressing. Oh, and add some creme brulee to that. And a glass of mineral water. I SAID NOT CARBONATED!
I like food! Especially carbohydrates. Yum.
I like to eat flowers. They're my friends :)
I'll get it myself, you noisy bitch.
Hmm.. Nachos. Definitely Nachos. And fries. And peanut butter. And cookies. And milk. Okay, I like everything. Just FEED ME!

6. What clothes would your ideal mate wear?
Jeans and a tee-shirt.
Clothes don't matter.. it's how much time we spend together. With him/her petting me and being my friend.
Silks. Or maybe tight pants.
There's no need for clothes. We're all the same gender here.
Designer things. He had better have a good sense of fashion.

7. Sex?
I'm a stud!! Really, I am!
Yes please!
Sure. If you can afford me.
I'm a girl. No, I'm a boy. I don't know. Will you be my friend?
You do realize I can't have children, right?

8. Your personality is best described as...
Whiney, bitchy, prissy, useless.
Flighty, energetic, anxious.
Solid, reasonable, logical.
Stubborn, independant, crochety.
Sweet, bit of an "oaf," friendly.

9. What is most important to you in life?
Getting my way.
Having fun. Yay!
Being prissy. I mean pretty.
Gettinh hugs and being friends!
Food.. yum.

10. How do you feel now that you're done?
Let's do it again! Or a few more times!
You can't force me into admitting anything.
Eh. I like being done. And being lazy. And sleeping.
I had to miss a beauty contest. You bitch.
Oh! Now that I'm done, do YOU want to be my friend? Right guys? Guys?

(multiple windows open for ties)