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Generation Y Unite!

Those of Generation Y need to unite, we need to rally around a cause, the supreme cause. We need to define our generation so our children will grow up not in the current way of things, but in something better. Our children deserve this, we deserve this. We are not taken seriously by our elders. We have something to say but we are belittled with pats on the heads and remarks of, "Isn't that cute?" We have to change this, we are seen as nothing but the little brother to Generation X, we are not worthless or useless, we have power and we need to use this power to create the world as we see fit! We will be heard! We will sit by and watch as the world passes us over. If the reins of power cant be handed to us, then we MUST grab them and be the masters of destiny!

On a side note, dont make fun of my animated gif, it was my first attempt at one, if you can create a better one, e-mail it to me, and I'll put it up here along with credit to its creator.
