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Welcome To The Realm Of Evil

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Doll makers and other kewl stuff
Keep a kewl looking pet for free!!!
ONLY for Goths!!!!Awesome poetry!!!
Kewl band...Check them out!!!
Kewl new band from California.check them out!!!
One of my best-friends web site. Its awsome..Go check it out!!! NOW!!!
This web site is awsome...Its one of my friends and has some pretty kewl thingy's on it...
Invicta.... This is an awsome band that my sister told me about. Check out there website.Its totally awsome.
My Fav. store.
A great site for you to find the spell you want!!!
Best place to learn about wiccan traditions and shop for everything you need for spells...

My Partners in Crime

Sorry you don't have the right plug in to listen to the music

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'Sup? Im just you everyday rock-n-roll chick!I am a gothic poet and my fav. thing to do is ridding horses,writting poetry/songs,and playing my guitar...If you have any comments then please share with the rest of the world. If you are a "poser" or "prep" or if you are just a stuck-up snob then you had better leave now. NIRVANA LIVES IN OUR HEARTS!!!