Dead Girl's Trauma Tales:

Buffyverse Fan Fiction and Other Nonsense

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Fanfiction Sections

Willow-Centric Fiction
Buffy-Centric Fiction
Fred-Centric Fiction
Dawn-Centric Fiction

Hello. I'm Dead Girl. You have stumbled upon the archive for my Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel fanfiction. There is a theme that runs through the material found on this site because there is a theme in my writing: trauma.

Why trauma?

Pretend that you are a psychologist. A young woman comes in to see you and is at first reluctant to speak about what is troubling her. She initially states that she is simply in a rut.

However, after hours of conversing with her you discover that she is the daughter of divorced parents, she has a father who she hasn't seen in over a year, she was kicked out of her first high school for burning down the gymnasium, she fell in love with a man who turned into a murdering, stalking psychopath after she slept with him, she found the dead body of a close friend whose throat was slit, she was again expelled from school and was wrongly accused of murder.

She also ran away from home and lived on her own in LA for several months. Later, the "boyfriend from hell" returned and in self-defense she had to stab a very close friend in the gut. Then, she mumbles something about her high school blowing up during graduation and you gasp, realizing that all of what she's told you apparently happened before she graduated from high school.

Embarrassed by the expression on your face, the girl skips ahead a bit and explains that her mother had cancer, underwent successful surgery, then had an aneurysm and died, leaving her to care for her teenage sister. To top all of this off, she just happens to mention that technically she's died . . . twice.

That's a whole lot of trauma.

If I were a mental health professional, I wouldn't have the foggiest idea where to start in the long and painful list of events in the lives of the Buffyverse characters.

Therefore, the fiction found on this site is primarily a study in trauma. Prevalent is the idea that humans derive strength by attempting to work through pain and suffering. This idea is integral to the storylines in BtVS and Angel. The characters struggle, endure terrible hardships and, from this struggling, hopefully, they become stronger.

The fiction in this archive attempts to study how characters deal with trauma. Although some of this fiction is necessarily dark, it is not literature of masochism; it is literature of human experience in the face of adversity.

Why Dead Girl?

I came up with the screen name, "Dead Girl" after much contemplation of the character Buffy. I found that I most related to her and her struggles after she had died. Continual reflection, made me realize that, in fact, I related most to all of the characters as they attempted to deal with the trauma that the extraordinary circumstances of their lives inflicted.

It is, however, important to remember that, although the Buffyverse characters have lives that are far from normal, often their struggles are really just analogies for the struggles that all of us face in our everyday lives. I chose "Dead Girl" for my pen name because I love, appreciate, and empathize with Joss' characters most when they are suffering, in pain, confused, or so numb that they feel dead.

Here is a list of the couples that you will find in one form or another in my fiction:

Buffy and Spike
Willow and Spike
Willow and Angel
Willow and Faith
Fred and Wesley
Fred and Gunn
Angel and Cordy
Wesley and Lilah

Fanfiction Sections

Willow-Centric Fiction
Buffy-Centric Fiction
Fred-Centric Fiction
Dawn-Centric Fiction

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people have visited this page since August 8, 2002


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