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CONTROLLED CHAOS......As if there was every any doubt...
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Controlled Chaos.....your mom thinks we're handsome

Support Chaos, new wear out now... look out for stickers, we have thousands of em, keep supporting chaos, and we'll keep making wicked sticky's, also, buy some support chaos hessianwear THE CLOTHES!

like I said... support that chaos.

site last updated:1/21/04...straight to the dome piece

Any of you people who have come into being the proud owner of some Chaos stickers need to rock those bitches like none other. Whoever gave you that sticker recognizes that you are worthy of carrying on the hesh heritage that the sticker stands for, and you should give that person a high five.

Controlled Chaos and its affiliates cannot be held responsible for the placement of stickers distributed by Controlled Chaos or bearing the Controlled Chaos name. Those in possession of these stickers are responsible for their actions. once again! THE CLOTHES!