Music Section


Well if you know me at all you'll know that I like music. I don't really know what to put here. I would to the boring thing and put what I listen to here or what bands I like but that would take too long. I listen to many different kinds of music. The only thing I don't listen to is country music.


So music is controversial these days. From eminem's homophobic (among other things) lyrics to Justin Timberlake's love life to Britney Spear's body parts. Exciting world the music business is. My question is do these people who care so much about the lifes of these musicians actually know anything about music? Just because you know the dance moves of the latest music video does not mean you know anything about music. Sorry, but it's true. Music is supposed to be contraversial I suppose. There have even been riots at operas in the past (I'm not kidding). What I don't get is why people care so much.

And they'll be gone...

What amuses me is that in a couple of years most of the people that are so "cool" now are going to be forgotten. No offense to any fans of the "pop" scene right now. A few years ago Britney Spears was the biggest thing out there and now its Avril Lavigne. Mainstream changes quickly and now people are listening to more "rock" and "punk" "music". So really, after these people have all made their millions and are forgotten all your left with is many, many people who spend obscene amounts of money buying cd's or whatever on people who didn't have much talent to begin with, and then making them millionaires.

Rant to be continued..

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