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My Blog
Monday, 7 July 2003
A new week
Well that was a rather fun 4th of July weekend. Fireworks, Friends, and a whole lot of Lord of The Rings risk. Plus i finnaly joind the forums at For all you trance/techno fans out there, this is the best website to get info on anything you can think of. Plus their streams are simple amazing, and of the best quailty. They have a wide range of genere stations to listen to(all under electronica ofcourse).

Sorry I missed blogging yesterday. I was busy. 4+ hours of Risk, and no victor. I seemed to be stretched like a spegehti up the middle of the board surrond by a super strong player, a weak player, and someone hiding in helms deep with their whole army. Had we another 3+ hours I would have probably bit the dust. Risk is such a fun game. We sortof got bored being all locked up and stuff so we played Halo. Sadly I am not very good at that either and finished in 2nd or 3rd most of the time. Today i have no clue what im going to do. perhpas I will blog again if I have the time(which I know I will)

O and i had bratwurst last night. Yummy.

Posted by rebellion/cmptrnrd16 at 9:36 AM CDT
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Angelfire sucks
Ok so ive been hosting my site on this site for a while now. Although i havent updated it for a few months. Guess I know what Im doing today. I really like blogging more tho. It is actually easier. I might just keep up my site to host pics and stuff. And instead will host my game reviews and stuff here. I know it will be harder to read but i think no one actually goes to my site anyways, so whats the big deal ay.

So you might be wondering about my title. You would know what i meant if I didnt keep getting off track. So anyways, it seems that my blog does not work. Well when i click on the link or type it in, i get error message. This is in mozilla and netscape. I will try IE momentarily.

Come to think of it, if you can read this than why am i posting this. And if you are reading this there is clearly no error message. Interesting. Well i guess you can ignor everything I have said so far. And just wait for my next post.

O and another thing. My posts are getting out of order. I guess angelfire's clock is worthless as well. If i cant acces my blog by the end of the week I am starting over with a different host.

Posted by rebellion/cmptrnrd16 at 9:31 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 7 July 2003 9:37 AM CDT
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Saturday, 5 July 2003
first post
Blogs blogs blogs. Everyone has one, or at least everyone who is anyone. Whats all the hype about? Perhaps its the worlds overwhellming desire to be right up in other peoples business. They should call this the voyuer country. Or perhaps they already do. So if you are some creep, wierdo, lurker, troll, or blog addicit, then you may leave my blog now. I will not disclose any personal info or revealling secrets. Again, lurkers need not apply.

So anyways. Whats a blog for? Well its for me to tell you anything I want. I could right whatever comes to mind. I can put quotes of the day. I can write stories. Tell about my happenings for the day. Or carry on some rant about why bratwurst should never have become a summer camp food.

This is my first post so Be patient. Some will be long, some will be short. Some days there will be simply no bloggin what soever. If I know you, then feel free to leave a comment, but i should point out that all comments are moderated by me, so i choose wich ones will appear and what ones will get the delete button. So dont waste your time typing something that will never make it anywhere but the digital trash can.

Alright, so now onto the real meat of my blog. Over the last week i went camping with a bunch of friends. We had an amazing time. We took a mountain biking trip in the rain, and mud, and got very dirty and wet. We also tie-died shirts and body parts. For a while some of us looked like smurfs. I would just like to say w00t to everyone who was there, you know who you are.

It does feel good to be home tho. I missed the interent. If you want to find my lurking around, a good place to go would be Im almost always in the forum area.

well thats all for today. See everyone next time

Posted by rebellion/cmptrnrd16 at 3:07 PM CDT
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