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Get Rich Tips

Buy Cheap Paintbrushes

Since there is many paintbrushes that aren't retired and sell for good prices, buying lots of them and putting them into your SDB is a big tip. After a while, at least one will go retired and you can sell it for a big amount that somebody will be willing to pay for! This may take a while, so remember, patience is everything!

Game wise

There are many guids but there are only a few things how you can keep getting rich very fast. The secret is intems! No don't stop playing the games! But i figured out that you get more for rare items and paintbrushes then for npz. What should you do? I typed two guides one for the newbies and one for people who have their account 2 days or longer.

If you have a new account
1. You start of with account. 200np
2. Create pets 1-4 50-100np
3. You can't play the wheel in faerie land, tombola, trading post and chat board now. You have to be signed up for 3 hours to trade and chat, you have to be signed up for 2 days to play the wheel and play tombola.
4. Go play games: meerca chase, destruct o match, carnival of terror.
5. Then go look for cheap auctions or cheap codestones in the shop wiz.
6. Sell them for more and have profit!
7. Buy from your profit cheap paintbrushes, electric (not blue, yellow, christmas etc.)
8. Make trades some people give more then they are worth!
If you already started for 2+ days 1. Play almost all the games everyday
2. Play tombola, both wheels, fruit machine and shrine.
3. Go sell your items (if you have those) that aren't worth much.
4. Buy cheap rare items from them like pbs and stuff
5. Trade them on the trading post
I hope this helps it made me 20k in 3 days and a lot of paintbrushes and other rare items!

Lot's of points with little

Ok to start this off all you really need is around 20k as a good starter and a good connection to further help your cause as well as some patience. First off, this is mainly done by the auctions which is why you need the patience. What you have to do is go to your bank and withdraw all your neopoints or if you have some more then 20 or 30k will do just fine. Then go to the auctions and search for Secret Laboratory Map. When you get there, check out the prices and you will see a lot of low prices for the maps. the trick is the bid on the ones with like 1 hour or less left to bid and like under 2000np starting price. When you bid once, dont worry about matching someone else's price until like the final 5 or 10 seconds and make sure your the last bidder. See, when you bid for something like that, it goes a lot less than what the actual price is on shop wiz so you sell it off there and you make a bundle of neopoints for really not doing that much! u can grab pieces for as little as 4000 neopoints and sell it for as much as like 11.5k it's that simple! The reason why Secret Lab map is chosen is because it has such a huge price range that people start it off too low and it never climbs high enough to match the shop wiz price so you make a good profit off of it. Also, to further help your cause I suggest going at late hours so that most Americans aren't on which will really help u achieve your goal. I have not tested it with other items but I'm sure it can work for others so you try your own and see what happens.


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