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My Tests and other things

Whatever that is....*shrugs*

You Are A Wraith
Take the World of Darkness Quiz
by David J Rust

Which "Natural Wonder" are you?

Earth girl
You are a true nature girl!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a phoenix.
What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox

Which tarot card are you?

find your element at <º>

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at [Angel.]

Laid-Back Virgin

What Kind of Virgin Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a
sense for the different and challenging, Walt
Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme
is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick
to write something that the rest of the world
doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate
yourself from the average joe. An author with a
true sense of self, you have confidence in your
abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO

What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.

You're a Velvety-Mopey-Goth! You're wardrobe isn't
condusive to heat, water, or the natural range
of human movement. People may think you're
cheesy, but you know it's just because their
infantile minds can't fully comprehend the
insurmountable anguish of your existence.

What kind of Goth would you be?
brought to you by Quizilla


You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.

Find out your color at!

What Psych-Ward do you belong to?

Hey look I took this test again, Im realy am a goth at heart.(maby I can become a gothic bitch after all.)
So goth you're dead!
You are every goth-kids dream!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the Desert Creatures Test!
I always knew I was an ass.

According to the Alien Abduction Test There is a 46% chance that I've been abducted by Aliens!

I knew something was somewhat funny bout me....But maby again I'm just


What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla <\center>

You Are Loss
You are Loss. Your life defines tragedy. You have experienced
great hardships on an unimaginable scale and it
has jaded your view of life.

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I am a sniper/professional killer.

Which cat that thinks it's human are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I KNEW IT!!!!! and im comeing after you next.....hahahahah...any way...Can I say that?

You represent... naivete.
You represent... naivete. So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla
Gee, Don't I know that one.

You are the Spirit of Innocence. Always with the
sweet smile of a child, you know how to have
good clean fun, you have a natural vunerability
about you, which makes you able to make friends
very well, as they are drawn instinctively by
the urge to protect you. But even though you
look as fragile as a child inside you are very
strong with your easy look on life. When you
get a partner (because there is no way you
cant!) your life will be perfect.

Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Birthday:May 27, 1983
Birthplace:Santa Rosa, CA
Current Location:Davis, CA
Eye Color:Brown/gold/green
Hair Color:light brown-dark brown
Height:5.1 on a good day
Right Handed or Left Handed:right
Your Heritage:Hespanic, cacassion and 1/8 romanian
The Shoes You Wore Today:were too tight
Your Weakness:guys with long hair
Your Fears:that i will end up like my mom
Your Perfect Pizza:with wight sauce
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:be in charge of my own place
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:*shrugs*
Thoughts First Waking Up:Today will be better
Your Best Physical Feature:my hair and my eyes
Your Bedtime:when I get there
Your Most Missed Memory:Rosie
Pepsi or Coke:Dr. Pepper
MacDonalds or Burger King:MacD's
Single or Group Dates:Eather
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla:Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee:Neather
Do you Smoke:never
Do you Swear:for strong enpheiss
Do you Sing:When no one can hear
Do you Shower Daily:give or take
Have you Been in Love:Once, and will be along time befor I do it again
Do you want to go to College:someday
Do you want to get Married:I dont know...
Do you belive in yourself:The Me no one Knows.
Do you get Motion Sickness:Nope
Do you think you are Attractive:In some ways
Are you a Health Freak:Nope...Meat all the way...
Do you get along with your Parents:Which ones?
Do you like Thunderstorms:Love them....
Do you play an Instrument:I wish
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:Yep
In the past month have you Smoked:Never
In the past month have you been on Drugs:Never
In the past month have you gone on a Date:Yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Nope
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:Nope
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:yep
In the past month have you been on Stage:Nope
In the past month have you been Dumped:Nope...I dumped him
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:nope
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:nope
Ever been Drunk:nope...buzzed, but not drunk
Ever been called a Tease:Always
Ever been Beaten up:Nope..
Ever Shoplifted:Nope
How do you want to Die:.Quick and painlessly
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:Equine Photogropher
What country would you most like to Visit:Irerland, aulstalia, finland, mongolia,
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:any,
Favourite Hair Color:dark
Short or Long Hair:long
Height:taller than thats hard to beat...
Best Clothing Style:classic
Number of Drugs I have taken:0
Number of CDs I own:a few
Number of Piercings:2 in each ear
Number of Tattoos:1
Number of things in my Past I Regret:My whole life.... but its getting better.


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Other pages to cheack out

My Life As I Know It
My Horse RPG
My Wolf RPG
Jessica's Home Page
UCC Catalyst

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