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Whispered words on shuddered breath, Fingers dance across the flesh.
Words of desire, devotion and lust, Finally give way to instincts and trust.
Within her stare one dare not breathe, for fear of moment's end.
A touch so light it rivals that of gentle seraphim.
Delicate whispers of her desire slowly fade to naught,
Stilled as ruby tiers lose all need for spoken word.
Replaced by muffled moan and gentle touch of lover's teeth.
Intertwined and lost to the swell of this momentary existence,
A goddess is she who purrs at each offer of being touched,
A creature who with siren's song pleads to feel the press of flesh to hers,
Begging to release the passions within.
Striving to please one's darkest desires.
Sinful pleasures of cruelest intent, Succumb with a lusty moan.
Soft curves soothe the soul, Heated flesh clouds the mind,
The angelic and the demonic, The virginal and the sensual,
Heaven has no treasure to rival her feminine form.

Name: Selina Fawne
Race: Elven/Human
Age: 19
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Hair Color: Midnight Black
Mother: Alara Fawne
Father: Lord Dyran
Siblings: None
Mate: None

Beautiful Emerald and Diamond Ring
Antique Sword: Steel Swept Hilt Rapier (Jewel Encrusted)
Wardrobe of Elegant Elven Styles

Currently studying:

Chapter 1

Born to Dyran's mortal concubine while he was at council, she was sent away to a friend of Alara's in the Elven Court for her own protection while her mother hid the fact of her birth. Mortal concubines of the High Lord's were not permitted bare children. If such ocurred the child would be killed and the mother cast out of court. Although she hated her mother for what she did, she didn't regret the life she had growing up. Life in the Elven Court as a foster daughter to a Courtier held many pleasures. Until the time of her 17th birthday, she held her own status as a courtier to the royal court although she had to constantly beat down her defamers due to the fact that she was obviously not of pure elven descent.

When her foster father died, her life was shattered. Being the old man's only known family (in a manner of speaking), the royal court granted her his lands and titles in hopes that she would wed. When she did not, the royal court could not in honor take away what they had already given her. Without the knowledge of how to run a vast demense, she turned to another older gentleman of the court and pleaded her case, requesting a trustworthy seneschal to manage her affairs. The man she spoke to agreed, seeing an opportunity in the making. This older gentleman was well aquainted with her history and her origins. For years he kept this information secret.

When she turned 19, Selina departed, leaving the administration of her estate and holdings to her loyal retainer, the rest of the help were slaughtered by her retainer for security. Selina left all behind and boarded a ship, setting sail for the Land of begin a new era in her life...(To be Continued.)