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Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
Dialogue 3
Dialogue with Mike
Conversation with Mr. Khan
***"Was Christ Crucified?" - McDowell / Deedat debate.
** introductory topics overview discussion between christians and muslims
1. The Bible according to the Koran
2. Is the God of the Bible (Yahweh) the same as the god of the Koran (Allah)? - Comparison of characters, natures, commands, and desires
3. Who was the Messiah (Masih in Arabic) and his attributes according to the Old Testament prophecies, and what did he come to do?
5. Qu'ranic Contradictions.
Gramatical mistakes in the Arabic.
Changes .
More general site on same issue.
Real Sources of Qu'ran .
Questions and Answers .
Ex-muslim testimonies
If the Bible was the same in Muhammed's day, why would
Touching Stories .
How to winess to Muslims .
Unsound arguments .
chrisitan / muslim discussion .
Why I am not a Muslim .
Why I am a Christian .
RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ .
Miscellaneous .
What LOVE? .
How Do You...? .
Embarassing for Muslims .
How can I truly be saved?
How can I truly be saved? .
Why was it necessary for Jesus to die on the cross? .
Islam Links