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Assassination without firearms



Kidney stab and throat cut

This technique relies on a stab to the kidney to induce immediate shock. The kidney is relatively accessible and by inducing shock with such a stab, the operative has the time to cut the target's throat. The operative completes his stalk and stabs the kidney by pulling the target's balance backward and downward and inserts the knife upward against his weight. The target will possibly gasp at this point, but shock immediately follows. By using the target's body weight that is falling downward and turning, the operative executes a cut across the front of the throat. This completely severs the trachea and carotid arteries.


Nose Pinch, Mouth Grab, Throat Cut

In this technique, completely pinch off the target's mouth and nose to prevent any outcry. Then cut his throat or stab his subclavian artery. The danger with this technique is that the target can resist until he is killed, although he cannot make a sound.If it is necessary to strike the target from the front or if you are in a self-defense situation, keep the knife out of view until you plunge it into the enemy. Use a backhand grip and hide the knife behind your wrist. At the last instant flip it to a front grip and thrust it upwards dead-center into the solar plexus. Pull it down and turn it as you rip it out. The target's guts will spill out along with copious amounts of blood. He will make very little sound if any but you will be soaked with blood.An icepick or a similar thrust-only type weapon can be used to produce wounds which will bleed much less than those inflicted by a knife. This is a definite advantage for selective assassination where the operative must make a getaway without being spotted with bloodsoaked clothes. The wounds are, however, not nearly as lethal as those produced by a knife. The kidney attack can be made with an icepick but a direct thrust into the heart or brain will be more likely to produce a fatal wound.A hammer can be used to produce lethal injuries silently and almost completely bloodlessly. A very hard blow to the head with a standard claw-hammer its almost certain to kill, a follow up blow or two will certainly do the trick. Again an attack from behind will be most effective, strike as hard as you can.A thin length of strong rope, cod, or even a belt can be used to make a garrote which can be used from behind for silent and bloodless killing. Loops or handles are often added to the garrote in order to increase the effectiveness of the attack. Surprise is absolutely imperative when using one of these weapons.


The Garrote

In this technique, use a length of wire, cord, rope, or webbed belt to destroy a target. The operative carefully stalks the target from behind with the garrote ready The garrote is looped over the target's head across the throat and the operative forcefully pulls the target backward as he turns his own body to place his hips in low against the hips of the target. The target's balance is already taken at this point, and the garrote becomes crossed around the target's throat when the turn is made. The target is thrown over the operative's shoulder and killed by strangling or breaking his neck.