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Since I'm just barely getting started with this
website, I'm going to put random things in random
places. Such as....right here, I'm going to put an
essay of mine:

Pantheistic Solipcism

This is not a philosophy. It certainly isn't
a theologoy. It's a thought, one of many that
resulted from many troubled, sleepless nights and
a lot of cigarettes.

With only one life...with only one ego that lasts
just a short amount of time, we have
to...achieve. We must not waste this chance. We
have models in our history: Achilles, Socrates,
Buddha, Jesus, Alexander. They all had different
goals, from konwledge to peace to power, but they
had one thing in common. They did not sit idle.
They knew what they were after and they sought it
with such a passion that is recognized world-wide.

The whole Universe is an elaborate play, and I am
the lead character. Who is the audience? Perhaps
it's God, maybe it's the Universe itself, or maybe
there is no audience. But that doesn't change
this fact: everything in creation was see
up...just to see what we would do.

Don't you see? I am the prophesied one. We are
the younger Jesus, on the brink of divinity.
Races, galaxies, pantheons...they all wait with
bated breath to see what the prophecies had said.

Copyright © 2005, Brendan Hicks All Rights Reserved