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Alley Sinclair age 24. Blonde Hair blue eyes. Tomboy of the bunch. Rowdy and straight forwards. Has the hots for the boss Jean.Biological sister to Abbey Sinclair.
5'5 32D 24 30
Abbey Sinclair age 24.
Biological sister to Alley. Just like her sister.. rowdy and loud...tomboyish as hell. She is heavily into Oral Pleasures..and has been known to brag about her skill openly.. 5'5 32D 24 30
Brittany Powell Age 30
Redhead. Passionate firey attitude. Caters to her Clients so much she is constantly considered the hardest to get time with. 6'1 36D 26 32
"Flaming Cherry" Age 24
Originaly born Sherry Devon Demasces..took up the stage name Flaming Cherry when she started as a stripper. A  True Red haired woman with firey attitude and lets people know whens she's ready to get it on...usualy all the time. 5'6 36DD 26 32
Jean Devonair Age 25 Male. Owner of the Ladys of Syns Courtesans company.Hates being refered to as a pimp. And loves the girls in his manor and under his care as if they were his own flesh and blood.  6'1
Tori Black Age 19
A very Out going young lady. Her Clientel is the most varied of the house.As she enjoys all types of clients.. Another of Jeans favorite girls.known to try anything once...
5'2 36 D 26 34
Kourin Luciano  age 18
"Shorty" is her nickname cause she's the youngest. Loves it rough.. and swings both and women.. her favorite qoute. "Can't find a better slut.. with a better butt."
5'3 34D 24 34
Ezaaythe Mourter
Age 19  Shy, devious, a dancer and young. What more could a man want? She's sarcastic at times, but full of fun with the right person..
5'7 36 D 24 32
Jacinda Maria Geneva Cortez
Simply known as " Jac "
She's 5'0 barely 100lbs,
sure she's tiny but this
Kitty Kat is fierce. Spunky
and trendy,She offers a totally unpredictable wild side to the House.This Kat is Hell on the Security.
32c 22 26
Charlotte Rousse age 23
Dark brown/black hair with deep dark blue eyes. She really doesn't work at the Syns Manor..
5'6 36D 24 34 125lbs.
Hall of Rememberance.
Played by a mun that was rather unknown to me but at the same time well known to me. The pain this mun went through I'm sure was agonising. The few times I was able to talk to her and give her hope was the last few times I could say words to her.

In this space Kai. you shall be remembered by those that knew you...and those that only knew Eza.

R.I.P Eza and Kai Feb 3rd. 2003.
Note: Some of the Girls have website links under their picks. Click on them to see the page.
Michelle Harris  age 18
They called her Rabbit,
'cause she was shy
and seemed so pure.
She hated almost
everything though,
except Men...
5'3 34D 24 34
Elaine  McKensi  Age 27 Being raised in the country she favored her cowboy hat and boots over lace any day, in or out of bed. Tom boyish at a young age, she grew out of it but never forgot how to ride.34D 26 32
Az  Rael  Age: ?? Head of Security. And Jacinda's personal "scratching" Post. He has the most trouble keeping Jacinda in line. 
Security Team  Hired personaly and ONLY by Jean through active play.
Kendal Courtland Age 18
Being The Newest Feature To The Manor,Kendal Is The Cute Innocent  School Girl That Every Client Wants To Be With,But Her Tightness Is What Draws Them In....
5'8 38C 24 30
Mia Genson Age 21
Blonde and playfull. likes to try everything at least once.. and eager to try it.. sometimes asking to..One of Jeans favorite girls.
5'1 34c 24 34
Adrian Courvou age 18
Very into Tattoos and peircings. Alittle shy and could use a good anger managment course. but besides that she is a  ton of fun.
5'2 34c 24 34
Angelie Ravirez age Unknown
As a Vegas showgirl Angelie Began to dabble in Nude photography after suffering heartache from her Lover she is devoted to find love again and hopes to be your partener for the night.

5'4 32C 24 32
Jessica McKensi Age 18
The younger sister of Elaine McKensi. She came here when she saw the money her older sister was making. She wants to use the money she makes to pay for colledge tuition. She's a rather petite girl.
5'4 32b 28 32 109lbs.
Name: Jenna Moreau  Age: 20
Stats: Jenna is a pre-med student, new to the manor, and fun loving.
Jenna is is ready to try almost anything new. Be careful of this fiery vixen, she is a real wild child under all that shyness.

5'6 32DD 26 34
Jade Summers Age 21 .
Knows what she wants and she will do what it takes to get it. She is very sexual willing to try almost anything once. This wild child will take your breath away and leave you wanting more.
5'2   38c~24~30 
Ginger Summers Age 18.
Ran away from her abusive father to come here with her sister jade. Wants to work like her sister too..

5'2 36DD 24 34
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