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The Site of DOOOM!

Hey you found me. I don't know how but you obviously did. Well anywho this is the site of DOOOM! Yes that's right I said DOOOM! Ok well now that we have established that we can move on. Right about now I'm sure your thinking "What the hell is this site all about?". Well here's the answer I don't have a freakin clue so there! I guess you could email me what you want it to be if you really want too but I probably won't listen. This site will most likely be a place where I post shit for my friends to download or view or whatever. I'll put up some sprite comics, animations and uh maybe a video game or movie review every once in a while. So does that answer your question? Ok well I don't really care so there.


All righty then I'm assuming that hyperlink means links so here's the links to my favorite sites:

CTRLALTDEL- a cool comic site.

VIDEO GAME HOUSE- a SWEET videogame/anime/cartoon forum. I encourage everyone to check it out and join.

JOE CARTOON-hillarious net toons and other entertaining things.

SUPA FLY NINJA-cool ninja flash cartoon.

FUNNY STUFF-It is exactly what it says.

LIFE OF WILY-An amusing sprite comic.

More are soon to come.