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Sweet Loner's Hole


This is odviously my web page.

It's new.

It may stay like this forever.

Or I may update it once in awhile.

Guess it depends if I get into it or not.

My AIM screen name is OccasionalGenius.

My Yahoo screen name is SweetLonelyLoner .

My e-mail is .

Feel free to contact me.

~February 17th~

Well, I'm updating... for the first time. The main purpose for this page was to post some pics, so every single time people ask for them, I can be like, click this, lol. Then again I may aquire a few stalkers here and there. Hopfully good ones. Anyway, you and me both are going to have to wait for Matt to get better and help me out with this pic thing. Meanwhile, I guess I'll just have to send them, one, by one... slowly.

I also have a LiveJournal, but I don't know if I'm so hott about you all seeing it, so ask, and, uh maybe I'll give you my screen name. If not, I probably wrote something in there about you that I don't want you to see, and I'll have to make it private before I log you on. Haha, now that you have that information it probably kinda sucks for you, but oh well. I'm done rambling.

My LiveJournal--February 22, 2003

I've been giving this quite some though...

If you wish to read my LiveJournal, just ask, cause I don't think I can link it on here.. but I'll try.

If I talked about you, tough shit. I'm sick of caring so much what other people think. Maybe this will help me a little.

It's me, uncensored.

~Some hott sites you may like to check out~

My LiveJournal
Erotic Stories
Sell Drugs
Suicide Girls
