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Land Description

Map of Menora


   Existing between both extremes of the continent, this middle land of Menora maintains a precarious position. Along its northern edge run the Dalakar Mountains. This naturally occuring boundary is most of the reason Leonine is kept dry and as the land spans farther south it becomes even more desert-like. Northern Leonine is slightly greener and even has small pockets of woodlands. It is almost as if some of the trees of Loran escaped over the mountains and migrated to Leonine. Though these small woods can only be found near the foot of the Dalakar, they do provide a home for some animals that only dwell within the trees. The soil quickly becomes drier, rockier, and harsher at only a few miles from the Dalakar range. Northern Leonine is slightly greener due to the sparse forests but quickly becomes more desert-like as the flat lands of the plains are crossed. The vast expanse of the Leonine Plateau is grassland. An artist's blend of green and gold, the flat land stretches for miles.

   Along the northern portion of Leonine the Lina river flows and empties into Lake Reshan before continuing towards the eastern sea.Reshan Village - A provincial lake town, Reshan came into being from the large gathering of people that travelled across Leonine to the lake.  Most of the travel is done by ships moving along the Lina river.  Though there is a portal located nearby, many of the townsfolk are distrustful of magic and prefer to keep to the old (more natural) ways. Quaint in its charm and manner, Reshan seems to hold onto its past.  Buildings are simple and work for oneself is the primary ethic. Considered the 'country bumpkins' of Menora, the smiling people of Reshan are quite content to live their lives out without the added hassles of more modern-day life.

   Few trees arise to block the view and animals roam freely outside of the protected walls of the various cities and towns. The western and southwestern section of this dry landscape is graced with the best soil on this part of the continent. In these areas are found most of the Leonine population as well as the main horsebreeding ranches. The Leonine stables are well-known for these fine, glorious animals. Already a continent of extremes, Leonine seems to possess the strengths and weaknesses of Loran to the north and Menala to the south. A neutral land within the neutral it were.

Currency In Validon

   Monies are coined in metals, copper valued the least, and gold being very rare. Silver is seen, though take care in flashing it about, the thieves will notice. Size and weight define how much each coin is worth. The base coin is the copper coin, or copper penny. The metals rise in value through Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum. There are two levels of value for each metal - the penny and the crown. They work on a ten to one ratio. The crowns are larger than the basic metal coins, like our dimes and quarters. In simpler terms, a crown is worth ten of whatever metal it is made from, and the exchange rate for the metals is 100-1.

2 half-pennies (or pence) = 1 copper penny

10 copper pennies = 1 copper crown

10 copper crowns = 1 silver coin/penny

10 silver coin/pennies = 1 silver crown

10 silver crowns = 1 gold coin

10 gold coins = 1 gold crown

10 gold crowns = 1 platinum piece (or 100 gold pieces - you don't see many of these, neh?)

10 platinum pieces = 1 platinum crown (or 1000 gold pieces - you REALLY don't see many of those.)

   The copper crown is the basic unit of money in these parts, roughly equivalent to one dollar in terms of relative buying power. (Or perhaps a bit less.)

2 half-pennies (or pence) = 1 copper penny

2 nickles = 1 dime

10 copper pennies = 1 copper crown

10 dimes = 1 dollar

10 copper crowns = 1 silver coin/penny

10 dollars = 1 - 10 dollar bill

10 silver coin/pennies = 1 silver crown

10 - 10 dollar bills = 1 - 100 dollar bill

10 silver crowns = 1 gold coin

10 - 100 dollar bills = 1 - 1,000 dollar bill

10 gold coins = 1 gold crown

10 - 1,000 dollar bill = 1 - 10,000 dollar bill

10 gold crowns = 1 platinum piece (or 100 gold pieces - you don't see many of these, neh?)

10 - 10,000 dollar bills = 1 - 100,000 dollar bill

10 platinum pieces = 1 platinum crown (or 1000 gold pieces - you REALLY don't see many of those.)

10 - 100,000 dollar bills = 1 - 1,000,000 dollar bill

Credit to Josie-mun of the Seacliff Tavern Inn and RoV Website

All Leonine Details and Map of Menora provided by RoV Website.

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