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The Two Houses

The Two houses

Phoenix and Polairs are the two different house we have here at Solunars School of Magic and Sorcery. Phoenix house has a Phoenix to represent it while Polaris has a Unicorn.

(Click on the Phoenix pic to get to the Phoenix house and the unicorn to get into the Polaris House!)

~Professor Bink~

The Phoenix House:

      The Phoenix house is the home of the adventerous! With unwavering loyalty they use practical thinkging to reach their ends! While intelligence may not be their strong point it certainly isn't thier weakness and any one who challenges a Phoenix is sure in for a tough challenge!

The Polaris House:

      Unlike pupils from the Phoenix House, students of the Polaris house contain more intellect. They believe in honesty, and they're minds lean more toward the intellectual side, as opposed to the practical. Students in the Polaris House belong there because they possess these qualities. Mascots and colors don't matter, and neither does the name. If you are placed in Polaris, then it is where you belong.