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Mage Ranks

Student of Sorcery            The Student of Sorcery is the Introductory member. They are working on the path of the Magus. They are learning about the many paths to follow being a keeper of magic. The Duties Involve seeking out a Master to be apprenticed to. It also includes running errands such as gathering scrolls or tomes potions and such. The Student of Sorcery Must acquire a master before becoming an apprentice.
Arcane Apprentice               The Arcane Apprentice is the Second rank in the Mage Ranks. Their Duties involve serving their new master, and the continuation of gathering of resources such as scrolls, potions, Reagents, and such. They must also acquire expert in Magery and evaluation before being able to promoted to the next rank.
Understudy                       The Understudy is the third Rank amongst the mages. The Understudy is the rank of which the Master can now depend on the apprentice to a higher Extent. The understudy now pulls rank over the lesser students of the Arcane arts. He is responsible for keeping things in order at the Mages academy and protection of the Mage academy and the surrounding territory of Silverthorne. Understudies must Complete quests and tasks given by their masters In order to succeed in achieving a higher Status in Rank.
Spell Shaper                       The Spell Shapers are the Elite Mages amongst the kingdom. They are the Protectors of the Mages Academy and are Senior Students as well. They are still in the Service of their master and must complete tasks and quests given by their Master. At this level they are trusted as Faithful Citizens and admired by the lesser for their combat prowess. The only way to excel from this rank is by Appointment or the Slaughtering of a Dragon which will be judged by your Master and/Or the King and/or Queen. You Should be adapt or master by this point.
Scholar                              Scholars are the medium class of the Mages. They represent the lesser nobles and the common mages. Scholars are the keepers of the library in the Silverthorne Kingdom and Are Expected to study and write books of their own and their peers. Scholars no longer bear the responsibility to have a master although if they so choose they may keep their master as their mentor and such. They are expected to keep the Scrolls and books well kept and keep additions of knowledge in the library. To ascend to the Next rank is By Either Becoming grandmaster in Magery Or by appointment.
Magus                              The Magus is the Status achieved by Most mages that acquire the Grandmaster Status in Magery. Magus also serve as the Warriors that Represent the Mages of Silverthorne. Their Duties are To take on Apprentices. A Magus May only have One Apprentice at any given time. Magus are Instructed by their superiors to Instruct and guide their Apprentice to becoming a Grand Mage himself. The Magus Must Drop his apprentice if he Wishes to achieve the next step in his chaste. In order to Do so the magus must Be Apprenticed to a Arch Magus Or Higher. Appointment Is also Possible but Unlikely.
Arch magus                       The Arch Magus is one of the Highest and most Prestigious ranks in the mage Chaste. They are the superiors to all other in their chaste that fall below them. Arch Magus have proved them selves time and Time again as reliable. They also have become Upper Class Nobles. Being an Arch Mage their Duties involve keeping the Mage's funds in order and ensuring that everyone is receiving fair shares of their duties and rewards. You may have up to three Apprentices at any one time and must drop them if you wish to ascend to the next step. The Only way to ascend from this rank is by Appointment or becoming renowned for your work and The ability to follow one that is considered your Equal and become apprenticed to a Wizard or Arch Wizard.
Wizard                                The Wizard Represents Power and Prestige. The Wizard is considered the Highest Rank amongst the normal Magus. Most that try will stop at this point. The Wizard is considered a Noble amongst nobles. The Wizard May take on 1 Apprentice at any time and the Apprentice must be Magus Or Arch Magus. The Wizard himself is not Technically Apprenticed but Serves The Arch Wizards above him and The Arch Sage. The Wizard Answers to no one Except Royalty Or Superiors above him. They are often looked at as The Peace keepers and Diplomats of the Kingdom. If Being used as Diplomats they Will usually accompany a Arch Wizard. Wizards are to be very intent on their craft and should Be Grand mastered in all Sorts of Magical feats, Such as: Magery Evaluation, Meditation, At least and Inscription Poisoning and Alchemy. The Only way to Achieve a Higher Rank of Arch Wizard is to be Apprenticed to the Arch Sage or by Strict Appointment.
Arch Wizard                      Arch Wizards are few and are Agents of Silverthorne. They are serve as the Nobles and Such amongst the kingdom. They are highly Reputed as Great magical Warriors. They are Excellent Diplomats and There can only be 5 Arch Wizards at Any One time. Arch Wizards Are Able to command a Faction of mages under them. They can only have 4 Mages Under them and 2 Apprentices at anyone time. The Wizards are in charge of the Arcane Academy's Funds and resources. They are to Organize hunts and Quests along with Upkeep of the Library and All the Students in the Academy. The Only way to be promoted from Arch Wizard is by Direct Appointment by the King. No Exceptions.
Arch Sage            The Arch Sage is the Epitome of the Arcane Arts. He is the wisest and skilled of the Academy. The Arch Sage has the Supreme say over everything that goes on with any wielder of magic. The Arch Sage may have 5 Apprentices at any one time. He also presides over all disputes and leadership decisions. He is also on the Counsel. The Arch Sage must make sure that Everyone is paying their dues and working equally and that everything is running smoothly. The Arch Sage Can command a great deal of respect from all members and is usually highly respected by Others out of his Chaste. He Answers to The King. Queen, And Advisor of the Kingdom. He must also Follow the wishes of other Royalty but at the Kings Discretion.

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