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The madness...
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The future of music...

Indepedence , Independence, Indpendence from the Governemnts fucked up fear drivin foreign policies deployed domestically understand these are the times we are living in when the sun started giving in to the darkness, you can cut your finger on the sharpness of the politicans words, radios speech is slurred, hollywoods vision blurred, THATS WHEN, thats when peoples madness is stirred into action, disatisfaction with the presidential reaction to the way to that the towers fell with that look on his face all I could smell was the stench of conspiracy of a son and father based on tyranny, the the virus response from fucked up trump, start fearing me, all I want is independence, Independence, Independence, when they take away our guns there will be nothing left to do but run, go ahead and let them come, thats the masses idea of fun, once again the war beats its drum, ONCE AGAIN THE WAR BEATS ITS DRUM, to the rythym of some and these some rise up through fear and pandimonium to make a speech at a podium and get shot, that the secret plot, is it or is it not? yo thats all they got, and its always been the same, but no you seem so concerned, in the streets screaming, independence INDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE is in the soul of life, the feelings of revolutionary ideas, the love of the world beating in your chest to the base, the thumping of a lions tooth into the skull of a gazelle.

The future of music is definetly revolving around the southern california music scene, from the desert, the beach, in the thick forest, and so on, the vibes alive here.

The lyrics are the important part of the music.

The way the vocals intertwine with the instruments is the vibrational flow, when the flow is mastered, then you are at one with the flow, you are the invisible energy flyin around a dope concert that moves up a leg and into the speakers and people start to move together


escape from monster island if you can. or write about how you'd like to visit there

WHo WILL STOP THE RAPE OF A NATION? and so we as humans evolve on and from what? there are those... and then to what? Energy?

What we become is not as important as where we are and how the current environment continues to play a role in our developing state

argue away I...MAN...happen to be a unique soul. slipping into the future of music, left alone, so cold, all droned into vibrational tones, thinking galactly information facts tactically organic sacks rapidlyare advancing these unknown homegrown catastrophic syndrome...into the globe, you say it makes no sense that way, uh huh, well your opinion has no me meaning to me unless you express it dude. and we all as people have the unique gift of doing so, that is, breaking free from traditional literature, into this free form of thought transparent in propaganda as it i goes...

now invoking the heavenly spirit...

sounds like... Jesus.. somebody’s callin my name

as serious as it goes is the mind in its ability to comprehend the salutations it encounters, we all evolve into things or stay formless and changeless, or leave time frames like orbiting in a galaxy in the far end of the universe around a center destination where something lies that is very unique.

all too incredible

we need peace

they need it more

you know? may be not this time... but i am still on the edge... dot dot dot comcomcom hahaha haha ha . The same type of person that would stop a rape in an alley, or at a bar.

Realism never ceases to exist, until the realty of no realism begins to become your reality.

Handmedowns from your father might be great for a hat, or a car, but not form of thought, the mother of invention.

How long will the world wait?

When will the hunger for good music be fed?

What have we been wasting our time on?

Is it me or does it seem more and more like everything that is being mass consumed comes out of a psychologist's office located in an advertisers building on Wall Street before it hits the public?

Can the real presence of energy be put off as fake forever?

Even though it has been proven using the "Scientific Method?"

If Jesus did come back,

and President Bush decided he was an extremist,

would the majority of the country support Bush, or Christ?


Does ADHD really stand for Advanced Degree of Human Developement?

Atlantis is music, man.

And the rising of atlantis has already begun, over 50 years ago.

As we progress from the meridian of time and all must be as it once was in this form we will soon understand again what music was and still is, however uncomprehensible, and how it helps us to be close to life.




The City Of Enoch,

The numerous floating cities of varying mythologies,



The heavenly descended version of jerusalem,

Mt. Olympus,

The Yucatan Penninsula

they're all one to me.

Someone was once arguing to me about energy and auras and stuff like that, and he said "Oh so auras are real, you can see them, well what do they look like? Can you see mine?"

Speaking sort of condescendingly,

so I kind of ignored it noticing at that moment a peak in his energy as if he wanted me to see it and speak of it, I did not nor did I describe his aura as I perceived it,


the reason I refused to share how I saw that moment and see moments regularly was because of the sense of disrespect for the divine the ignorant have.

Right as he spoke against himself and the foundation of his creation he was his weakest and most vunerable and was instantly energized, how?

Do people have to make certain connections in order to proceed?

As a person who is mentally retarded would yu know you were actually retarded? Or even different from what is normal?

The first pope of the holy roman Catholic Church which is currently still headquartered in rome, now a country, was as far as history is concerned Emperor/Pope Constantine.

Constantine's intention was to unite an empire under one religion, the christians (an illegal cult under roman law) and his national faith, idolism and sun worship from tradition myths.

The first leader of the underground and very taboo cult known as the "christians" was Adam, based on the truth of the gospel and a man named Jesus Christ.

According to some native prophecies the bigfoot, or sasquatch will help the americans take back their freedom, and land.

The red nation shall rise again

NOT the Russians!!!

In those days they shall find no peace in death

The ability to utilize the "soothing touch" is one that is passed down from one generation to the next.

It is in the genes of a person.

To be able to lift off the ground and remain in the air is a learned ability available to those who posess the sleeping talent.

To be able to change the way one has operated, and ones ancestors have operated is to reach the level of bhudda.

The idea we are alone in the known universe is stupid, but the idea we are alone on this planet is even stupider! If we choose to, we can contact a more advanced civilization, instead of confiscating technology and claiming the invention.

People know that a subterranean culture existed at one time, so whose to say that there are not other more ancient cultures existing without our knowledge, possibly even venturing to and from space right in front of us.

Are we so advanced that we wouldn't detect them, no matter how sophisticated they are. If they launched from the center of the pacific, or the Gulf of Mexico, and had underwater access to space, would we really know about it?

Would we be able to do anything?

There are plenty of governments who have made some type of contact with former surface residents of this planet.

The Brazilian govt. released in 2005 three of their dealings with what they have "encountered."

I believe the U.S. govt. definitely is currently in contact with multiple intelligences. However, the source of certain intelligences are irrelevant, when considering spirit and value of life, and religious ideals, and so on…..

So are aliens real? I believe the real question is; Are they really from another planet, let alone another solar system or galaxy.? And are their really only one other species “out there,” because I doubt that if there is, that it is only one other race, and that they are tiny little greens or greys.

What does the bible say? It does mention that humans that begin to mutate are not part of the divine glory that god wants for us in this life.

The giants of the old testament hint at a DNA starting point of half human, and half something else. Hebrew scholars claim the beneyha’alohim, or those who have fallen are responsible for the other half, meaning the third of the angels who sided with Lucifer during the war in heaven are the DNA donors to “giants” also known as nephilim.

However the fact remains, that we are people.

That we are people of god.

That we are capable of reaching such a level of purity in the current physical body as to dwell in cities where the angels dwell, and travel to and from going to heaven and other plains of existence all in our midst, we are people who have been saved time and time again from the hand of extinction,.

We are a people striving towards the same general direction, and as we as a people begin to see the finite point we think we are ultimately targeting, then we all see more clearly and the general direction becomes a tiny microscopic pinpoint that explodes and is absorbed by everything The future of music is in a band that lives on after the lead singer dies off, and they still put out good stuff.

Your soul sings to the sound of love, or your body moves in rhythm with beats harmoniously, intro to outro, ya feel?

Like melting ice your senses flee into the unknown, embracing everything around them, surface adaptable, moving on seeking the ocean.

Like acid rain drops on the holy jungles you come to


Until all is well in the soul and you realize your breathing without thinking about breathing, and so you start to think about it and change the pattern of inhale and exhale, and then you whole body becomes in tune with your breathing and the flow of blood forces the cerebral cortex to align into vibration with the holy spirit, and bells ring and sounds are heard and visions occur, and god is felt, and love is an alive vibe, and springs are felt running into you, like soul fuel on a conveyer belt, into the mouth of a baby bird, and soon you learn to fly, and control your weightlessness, now floating in orbit, with the option to leave, or to return and live life with the rest of the universe, or to flee in passion to an unknown destination at the end of a straight path, anywhere just believe and go.

With all the possibilities why would you not instinctively know where to start and go? Now hurdling thru space maybe in a tunnel maybe like a comet, or super Sayan, multi dimensional plasmic Mayan, you’re the flow, and nothing else, until you reach something life changing, a simple interaction with someone containing enough words to start a thought process to change the world, or the forming of a group of people, for misc. causes. Take a band making music, maybe all hinting at the seem thing however completely unrelated, they seem.

Almost like religion, all hinting towards the same generalization, but on different terms and levels of acceptance. BUMP>>>>>>BUMP>>>>>>>