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Discussion of reality
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Reality is an illusion. While it appears to be real and have substance, reality lives only in the minds of those who exist. However, since more than one entity exists, it becomes difficult to become aware that this apparent reality does not exist. At some points in time the fabric loosens and it becomes possible to alter this apparent reality or it is altered by some other means, but it changes and there is no explanation known to this reality. The reason that no one can accept this is that it happens so rarely, that we begin to doubt the certainty we had immediately after reality changed. If one could keep that certainty long enough, it would be possible to start changing reality more often. Then, as reality changed more often, more entites would start to believe and more changes would occur until the "reality' would crack and unreality or the true reality would become apparent. In his discussion of reality Peter Russell states, " It is we who are under an illusion when we believe that the world we see around us is actually around us, not within us. These inner explorers have discovered that it truly is "all in the mind". See Link above.
