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Ravens Web

Welcome to my happy traumatic gothic demonic crazed psychotic firendly kind possesed i will tell you about...well me. I like Ancient things myths and such and such. i will also tell about my whole life current. friendship what ive done love life whatever everything_______________________ _______________Friendships_______________________________ (the section were i describe the relationships with my closest friends and the idiot rated out of 100) lately ive been hangin with Phoenix(84/100) talkin too Wee Willy Winky Pinky Cheddar Bob (23/100) emailin Renee (60/100) Awaitin Almighty Dread(100/100) Talkin to Jet(76/100) __________________Stuff_________________ ..........nope.....minds ablank. did i mention im an Xbox FANATIC? didnt think so Live Gamertag: Raven505 ___________________________Crazythings____________________________ (Heres the section were i tell you about the inside stuff.such as the gatorade dont want to know.ill get around to tellin ya.) the most psychotic thing lately was.........chased the neighboor kid with a dagger i believe was sent from a greater god.see not that crazy. ill update ya when everyone gets back from vacation and the Fun restarts. ___________________Romance________________ Recently broke up with Renee.'nuff said. ____________Anger________________________ SISTER MAKE M AD. ... wont like me when im out demons of the video games i spend hours on end straining my mind on such a simple thing as video games =p.must take out rage on giant war robotic ___________________My Demonic self ___________________________ whyd i make this section. ....ok..................STOP STARING AT ME! Did the government tell you were I live?ACK there after me again *hides under table* ______________________Emotional_Distress_________________________ I cannot right the wrong of what i have done to a former best friend of mine Samus.she hates me for something that wasnt my fault.i hope i will be forgiven.because i am.....Raven The Unforgiven. (bet you my friends were wondering well now you know why i call myself the unforgiven because so many people hate me so (>=p) ______________And the Ravens Eyes have all the seeming of a Demons that is Dreaming._______ _______Nevermore Never lasts, And Forevermore has recently passed._____ _________Quote the Raven,______ ______ Nevermore 7/26/03.
