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Erik's Homepage

Welcome to Erik's homepage, home of the Land of Penguinism, and hosted by the Ambassador/Chancellor to the Penguins himself!
I am at college now, and life is certainly busy, so as you can see, I haven't been adding much to the webpage in a while.
However, fear not, I plan to soon continue to update my site.
The Penguinism site is in its current completed state, nothing too exciting has been happening on that front lately because the "Royal Group" is now split up between four different states! :(
The Atlanta trip presentation is now up and operational!!! As you can tell, I am quite excited about this, and so go check it out for yourself using the link below!
College has been good to me. I am done with my first year, and it seems that it has just flown by! I finished up with a tour de force which consisted of four different concerts in 3 days, right before I started finals. Wow, what a rush!
Anyway, I am adding a link to my Xanga, which is sort of like an online journal, but I update it frequetly to let people know what is going on in my life, so check it out!

Anyway, I will be back soon with more information on all of those exciting topics! Enjoy!

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The Atlanta Page
Penguinism Main Page
My Xanga page!
Christine's Main Page (NOTE: By clicking this link you are exiting Erik's domain. To return please click "Back" on your web toolbar)
About Me

Check out this cool deal!
You can fight me with your Giant Battle Monster that is based off of your name!
(you get a different monster if you use your middle name, mine is stronger that way ~ try it)
Erik Allen Rohde

is a Giant Dragon that has a Terrible Roar, a Long Neck and a Massively Swollen Skull.

Strength: 9 Agility: 8 Intelligence: 13

To see if your Giant Battle Monster can
defeat Erik Allen Rohde, enter your name and choose an attack:

fights Erik Allen Rohde using

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