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What my cat likes to do...

Links to help you care for your cat:

More links and information on cats
A great place to purchase pet supplies
Tips for caring for you cat
Information on fleas

Cats are the best pets! They are loving, playful, and not to mention cute. Cats require a lot of responsibility. They need to be fed, groomed, and up to date with their vaccinations. To train a cat, it is easiest to use a spray bottle. Whenever they do something that you do not want them do do, say "no!" and spray them with water. It will take a few times to teach them not to do it, so don't give up if it doesn't work the first time. It is also good to bathe your cat when it is little. I started bathing mine at nine weeks old. Now she doesn't mind a bath at all. Pauli is the best! even though she chews my homework, eats my carpet, and bites me whenever she is affectionate, she's great company when I need it. Thanks for visiting my website!
