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Emerging Technologies- The future of space exploration

For years, Science Fiction books and television has opened our minds and stirred our imagination with the possibilities of future space travel, exploration, and colonization. This fascination has been bringing us to the day where we travel to the stars, even leaving Earth to live and grow on other planets. This future is closer than you think.

Earlier this year, President George W. Bush, announced his plan for the future of NASA. His vision includes taking us back to the moon, not just for a visit, but also to build a manned base of operations. His plan also included building a manned exploration vehicle, which will replace the space shuttle; it's purpose is to go forth and explore new worlds. Bases on Mars and on other planets are also likely.

A Space elevator will help to change space. Once constructed, it will reach to 62,000 miles above the Earth. Anchored in space, it will be able to bring supplies to the ISS at far cheaper costs than using the shuttle. It will also be used as a supply point for other missions on-going in space.

Space tourism is also a very real possibility. Plans are being made for private contractors to build space hotels and even privately funded rockets capable of transporting people. Vacationers will be able to see space without having to pay astronomical prices.

The lines between fact and fiction are becoming blurred. To quote Carl Sagan, "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." As long as we never surrender our dreams, anything is possible.

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