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Messages from Mediums

I'm here to explain why I have created this site. Well, because it is a long story, I'll have to start from the beginning.

It all started when I became best friends with a girl my age (I am not at liberty to divulge her name for reasons I won't explain), and she confided in me that she was a medium, and could talk to spirits.

To tell you the truth, I thought she definately needed some help, but then I started experiencing "visits" from spirits who have passed on in the Melbourne Area. (Australia)

Lately, this gift has gotten stronger, and only happens when I am there. She believes that I attract the spirits, while she channels them.

At times she had gotten depressed about these "visits" and said to me, "why have this gift, when we can't even help them?"
So I came up with an Idea.

I wanted to list the visits from the spirits who wanted help, and see if I can get in contact with their families, because after looking on the internet, I found that I could not get even a smidge of information on any person I met.

I decided to put up experiences on the net, so people could find out if they knew these people, even as an aquaintance, and help me at all.

Anyway here it is.

List of visits

Visit 1
Commonly Asked questions

[ Here's my Guestbook! ]

If you want to email me for more information, you can, but If you just want to harass me, that's just not right. I am here to help people, and If you don't believe that I can do this kind of stuff, then TS!
I can't do requests, unfortunately. If they come, I will post it.
