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Waterfalls are found basically wherever a stream or river flows over a steep hill or cliff. Their size can be anything from a few inches to hundreds of feet.




Waterfalls do “die” eventually.

After a while, the water flowing over the bed of the river erodes the rock so much that the steep part or overhang that made the waterfall is filed down, creating rapids. After some more time has passed, the rapids are smoothed out until it is just a stream running downhill. (2)



Possibly the most famous waterfall, though not the biggest, is Niagara Falls, Located between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. It is famous for many reasons, the most interesting of which the large number of people to attempt-and sometimes succeed-the 5 second fall from the top of the falls to the pool below. (1)














Their only purpose is not to look pretty, however. Waterfalls are used to harness energy to power factories and homes.


This use of waterfalls was especially popular in the 19th century. During the industrial revolution, factories were becoming more and more prevalent. A renewable source of energy was needed, and it was found in waterfalls. (1)


For more information on waterfalls, try these sites:











Site created by: Katie Greiner