Anti-Male Bias
Increasingly Pervades US Culture
Satan, who is the opposer of God, Godness, and TRUTH, has deceived the whole world, and turned everything upside down. - Staffan
Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out to the earth, and his angels (you - Luke 9:55) were cast out with him (Matthew 25:41).
Enoch 96:12 I have sworn to you, ye sinners, that neither mountain nor hill has been nor should be a servant to woman (Gen. 3:16-17 - women's liberation CONDEMNED). 96:13 Neither in this way has your crime been sent down upon Earth, but men of their own heads have invented it; and greatly shall those who give it (women's liberation) efficiency be CURSED. 96:14 Barrenness (infertility) shall not be previously inflicted on woman; but on account of the work of her hands shall she die childless (as a punishment - Deut. 28:18).
1 Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided or plaited hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 2:10 But (which becometh women professing Godliness) with good works. 2:11 Let the woman learn in SILENCE with all subjection. 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to USURP authority over the man, but TO BE IN SILENCE. 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
Bible quotes are from The King of king´s Bible
Anti-Male Bias Increasingly Pervades US Culture
By John Leo 9-7-2
A famous television newswoman told this joke last month at a
fund- raising dinner for a women's college: A woman needed a
brain transplant. Her doctor said two brains were available, a
woman's brain for $500 and a man's brain for $5,000. Why the big
price difference? Answer: The woman's brain has been used.
Most in the audience laughed, but one man stood up and booed.
What's wrong? asked a woman at his table. The man said,
"Just substitute woman, black or Jew for 'man' in that joke,
and tell me how it sounds."
At about the same time, American Greeting Cards launched an ad
campaign in Newsweek, Life and other magazines. One ad featured a
"Thelma and Louise" greeting card, pasted into the
magazines, that said on the front: "Men are always whining
about how we are suffocating them." The punch line inside
the card was this: "Personally, I think if you can hear them
whining, you're not pressing hard enough on the pillow."
The newswoman, who is a friend, seemed shocked when I phoned and
raised questions about her joke. "The poor, sensitive white
male," she said. A spokesman for the greeting card company
saw nothing wrong with a humorous card about a woman killing a
man. He faxed a statement saying the card had been pretested
successfully, and besides, "We've heard no protests from
consumers who are buying and using this card." But would
American Greetings print a card with the sexes reversed, so the
humor came from men joking about suffocating a woman? No, said
the spokesman, because 85 percent to 90 percent of cards are
bought by women. There is no market for a reverse card.
In truth, no man could get up at a fancy banquet and tell a joke
about how stupid women are. And a greeting card joking about a
woman's murder would be very unlikely, even if surveys showed
that millions of males were eager to exchange lighthearted
gender-killing greetings. The obvious is true: A sturdy double
standard has emerged in the gender wars.
"There used to be a certain level of good-natured teasing
between the sexes," says Christina Sommers, author of
"Who Stole Feminism?" "Now even the most innocent
remark about women will get you in trouble, but there's no limit
at all to what you can say about men."
Men's rights groups phone me a lot, and I tell them my general
position on these matters: The last thing we need in America is
yet another victim group, this one made up seriously aggrieved
males. But these groups do have an unmissable point about double
standards. On the "Today" show last November, Katie
Couric suddenly deviated from perkiness and asked a jilted bride,
"Have you considered *castration as an option?" Nobody
seemed to object. Fred Hayward, a men's rights organizer, says:
"Imagine the reaction if Matt Lauer had asked a jilted
groom, 'Wouldn't you just like to rip her uterus out?'"
Deuternomy 23:1 He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his
privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of
the "I AM".
The double standard is rooted in identity politics and
fashionable theories about victimization: Men as a group are
oppressors; jokes that oppressors use to degrade the oppressed
must be taken seriously and suppressed. Jokes by the oppressed
against oppressors, however, are liberating and progressive. So
while sexual harassment doctrine cracks down on the most harmless
jokes about women, very hostile humor about men keeps expanding
with almost no objections.
Until recently, for example, the 3M company put out post-it notes
with the printed message: "Men have only two faults:
everything they say and everything they do." Anti-male
greeting cards are increasingly graphic, with some of the most
hostile coming from Hallmark Cards' Shoebox Division.
Sample: "Men are scum ... Excuse me. For a second there I
was feeling generous.") Columnist Cathy Young sees a rising
tide of male- bashing, including "All Men Are Bastards"
and "Men We Love to Hate" calendars, and a resentful
"It's-always-his-fault" attitude pervading women's
Commercial attempts to increase the amount of sexual antagonism
in America are never a good idea. And if you keep attacking men
as a group, they will eventually start acting as a group,
something we should fervently avoid. But the worst impact of all
the male-bashing is on the young.
Barbara Wilder-Smith, a teacher and researcher in the Boston
area, was recently quoted in several newspapers on how deeply
anti-male attitudes have affected the schools. When she made
"Boys Are Good" T- shirts for boys in her class, all 10
of the female student teachers under her supervision objected to
the message. (One, she said, was wearing a button saying "So
many men, so little intelligence."
"My son can't even wear the shirt out in his back
yard," she said. "People see it and object strongly and
shout things." On the other hand, she says, nobody objects
when the girls wear shirts that say "Girls Rule" or
when they taunt the boys with a chant that goes, "Boys go to
Jupiter to get more stupider; girls go to college to get more
knowledge." Worse, she says, many adolescent boys object to
the "Boys Are Good" shirts too, because they have come
to accept the cultural message that something is seriously wrong
with being a male.
"The time is ripe for people to think about the unspoken
anti- male 'ism' in our colleges and schools," she says. And
in the rest of the popular culture as well.