John GLenn
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John Glenn OSR, Guild Commander, 4d88, 93835 XP and GP (not on person) . He is a wanderer by nature, nothing truly binds him to where he is, and if so, he will not tell you. His normal attire, is that of a oilskin rawhide drover, denim pants, and leather boots, that come to a point at the toe, a black western style hat, on his left hand there is a tattoo of a Sikh, on his right forearm, is a scar that runs form the elbow to the start of the palm, a brown and white borzoi dog is often found at his side. His path started when he was a young child, leaving his home at the age of 5 years, his brother James following behind him. They wandered many years together. One day when john was 16 years of age, he stumbled onto a women that was being punished for crimes that she had committed, not knowing that, he rescued her, and his reward for that, he was cursed with immortality, which for some humans it is that a curse. After that his brother, James, and himself parted ways, and traveled different paths that crossed chaotically form time to time. At those times, often vicious fights would break out between them, the scar is from one such battle. After a time he found his way into Rhy’din, After finding his way to Rhyin, he found kindred sprits in the people that he met, and decided to remain there. Helping the people that he could, when they needed it, or wanted it. He is a man of many trades, able to do what needs to be done to survive. His stay here has brought him many things, he has found love, in Valora, and has found happiness, and piece no longer having to worry about his brother. His only ties to those in the OWS, and a hand full of friends. As for weapons, he carries, they have sheath he has sewed into the lining of the drover he wears, making it almost impossible to see the katana type sword, a dagger with a serrated blade, and a black object the extends into a metal rod, with a small tip. He carries these, as they are his favorites, but he is skilled with most anything he uses. He is a man of few words and rarely states an opinion, but his silence on a mater is not compliance.